chapter 10: i am whipped

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Alex’s POV (before he was at the hospital and such)

Okay so it’s been a few days since… well the news.

Ellie and James haven't been back at school, and i don't blame them. Everyone and i mean EVERYONE is talking about it. They are probably gonna have a heart attack when they come back.

I don't really know how to deal with death, and how to comfort other people… but i really want to be there for Ellie.

I don't know why but i really like her, and want to help. Not that i can do much. But that doesn't mean i won't try.

It's now saturday, and i am laying in bed.

I texted Ellie a few times asking if she was okay, but now thinking about it i realized that it was a stupid move. Of course she wouldn't reply her mom is dead, and her dad is in a coma…

I can relate.

As in… my dad is basically dead, and well the coma part...that part goes to… my twin sister.

Yeah well.

My twin sister it's sort of a long story, and i don't want to talk about it.

Anyway- “come on Alex when are we leaving?” my sister yells (abby). Oh yeah!
“Right now, lets go” i yell back.

We are going to visit Amelia. Aka my identical twin sister. It's been 1 year… on the dot since the ‘accident’ more like planned death. Wait, off topic.

“Come on! I’ll be in the car” Abby shouts again.

Shit i forgot again.


“Hello Alex and Abby!” the front desk lady greeted us...way, to happy.

“Hello” Abby and I said at the same time.

“Here to visit Amelia?” she questions me.

“Yep same as always” we have been coming here every week for a year, so of course the workers know us.

“Okay well go ahead” she told us. I nodded and Abby and i went to the elevator.
Section B room 222. That's her room… obviously…


We get out of the elevator, and started to head down to Amelia's room. As we were walking i saw a man looking really uncomfortable as he stands by room 220. Oh well not my problem.

Once we get into Amelia's room Abby immediately pulls up a chair and sits by her side. She grabs her hand and starts talking to her.

“Hey amels… so… i don't know… i know that you are sleeping, but the doctors say that you can hear what we are talking about and blah, blah, blah. But i just want you to know that i really miss you, and i wish you were awake so we can talk about… you know… girls stuff, because Alex is no help” I grunt as she continues.

“Well as you know i am 8 years old now, and i am getting more mature… and i don't know i just really miss you talking to me, and helping me… i just want you back with us...awake. Not that your twin isn't amazing, but we just really miss you, and i know Alex does too. He would probably want you to talk with him because i overheard him talking to his friends about some girl named Ellie Anderson” Abby chuckles, and i groan and glare at her.

Seriously was she stalking our conversation or something? She probably was…
“Anyways i just really miss you, and i really hope that you wake up soon… i love you. Okay Alex all yours” my sister tells me.

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