chapter 8: hospital's

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Ellie's POV

It has been a couple of days since the accident. My mother is dead, and my dad hasn’t woken up yet. He may never wake up. James and i haven't been back to school, and i really don't care about that. We are going to move into our aunts house who lives 10 minutes away from us.

She’s our dads little sister. She has dark brown hair, with piercing blue eyes. She is short/tall being 5’6 not that i'm taller than her. In all she is beautiful. She is 33 years old. Her husband is really handsome i guess. He has dirty blond hair with green eyes. I can totally see what she sees in him. He is 34 years old. They met in college and they had a baby at 20. Yeah a bit young but oh well. Their 13 year old girl name is Ava Green, and their 3 year old little boy name is Mason Green.

They are really sweet, but i still miss my mom, and talking to my dad. The nurses don't know when he will wake up, or if he will.

I can't bring myself to go visit him. I really want to but i can't. I will just break down all over again, but i really need to see him. I will. I just don't know when.


“Ellie sweety? Come on we are leaving” someone said at my door. Maybe it was aunt Emma. i haven't left my bed since we got here yesterday. Their house is really big so i don't have to share a room with Ava or James.

“Come on Ellie we are going to visit your dad” My delusional aunt said through the door. “No, no i am not going!” i shout at the door.

“Ellison get up. You are going. Don't argue with me. You have 10 minutes to get ready and get in the car.” my aunt said leaving no room for arguments.

I really can't believe her. My brain tells me that i can't see my dad. I know he got damaged a lot, and is just sleeping on a bed being helpless. Why would i want to see that. But my heart is telling me too. Because i want to and i love him, and is the only parent i have left. But it will hurt me i just know it.

I rolled off my bed and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror which i haven't done in days. I cant believe what i see. There are dark bags under my eyes. My face has dried tear marks on it. My eyes are red and puffy. My hair is a basically a rats-nest. But mostly my eyes. My eyes. They are dark, and read 2 emotions. Which are… miserable, and pure hatred.

I get into the shower, and wash my body and hair something i haven't done in a while. I know gross.

Once i get out i wrap a towel around me and brush my teeth and wash my face again… after that i put on sweats, a baggy t-shirt, and converse. I really don't care what i look like right now.

I open the door and go downstairs. I head to the kitchen and grab a water bottle. I havent really eaten in the past few days, but i can't bring myself to eat. I probably lost some weight, but i really don't give a fuck. Oh yeah i have been swearing more… and that's because i don't give a fuck.

“Ellie you should eat something” Aunt Emma told me. “I'm not hungry” i reply bluntly. “Okay then” she replied. Aunt E should really get to the point faster these days.

“Well let's get in the car” she told me.

“Who’s coming?” i question her. “Ava, me, James, and you” she told me. “Wait, you got James to come?” i ask her. “Yes, he's in the car with Ava. now let's go” she commanded me. She shouldn't really use that tone with me. Yeah, yeah. I know i used the same tone, but i don't care. I know that i am acting like a hypocrite. I don't know why but i got so rude. I am usually like this when i’m on my period. Oh fuck.

I pull out my phone and check my cycle, and i am suppose to start tomorrow. Ughhhhhhhh. WHY life? Why?

I don't even have any pads. I have tampons but i HATE them like who would want to stick it in them. Ew. Not happening. I will just ask aunt E to take me to the store. ‘HONK! HONK!’ I heard. Oh right i am suppose to be in the car.

I walk out the door, and head to the car. I stop at the door. I really don't want to go in. 1. My mom died in a car. 2. My dad almost died in a car.

“Ellie its okay. Come on” Aunt E says. I open the door, and just stand there. I look around the car, and see James. He looks at me and nods his head telling me it’s okay. I get in the car and my aunt drives off.


We reach the place i never wanted to face. The hospital.

Aunt E, and Ava get out of the car, and James and i made no movement to get out.
I look over at James to see that he is already looking at me. James looks no better than me. He has dark bags under his eyes. He looks tired, stressed, sad, broken, and most of all like me pure hatred.

“You ready?” i was pulled out my thoughts by James’ voice. It was the first time i heard it in a couple of days. “No, not at all” i said in all honesty. “Same” he said back. I grab his hand and say “we will get through this together” he nods, and we both get out of the car.

Aunt E is nowhere to be found. Probably in the death hole. Yeah that's what I'm calling it.

“What the fuck? Aunt E made us come, and she leaves us” James chuckles lightly, and i see a small smile. After seeing him smile it made me smile too.

“Since when do you swear?” James asks me smiling slightly. “I really don’t know it's just been coming out! I think i have a problem” i told James. He chuckled again. We both continue to walk up to the front doors to the hospital.

We reach the front and we stop. James reaches over and pulls open the doors. We both walk in. I am greeted by the ‘hospital scent’ and the ‘hospital vibe’ man i hate it.

We both walk up to the front counter seeing that Aunt E and Ava are there too. Ava turns around and gives us a small smile and looks back to her mom. They tell us where my father is, and that is section C room 302. Gotta remember that.

We get in the elevator and head up to his room. We walk down the hall until we reach room 302. It's a single room. I am guessing aunt E paid for a single room.

We all walk in, aunt E going first, then Ava, after her is James then lastly me.
After everyone moves from the doorway i get a clear view of the room. My eyes go to the bed my dad is on sleeping, and man my dad is looking far worse than what i imaged.


Hey guys! So what do y'all think he looks like? So some new characters!! Aunt E, Ava, Mason, and the husband/father. So what do y'all think about Aunt E?? We haven't really got to know her but she is dome BIG help along with her family! Oh and i am going to make a schedule because i made y'all want a big time for the last chapter, and i am really sorry for that!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Peace out!

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