chapter 19: what?

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Ellie's POV

"What?" i sputtered out and stared at him. Wha-wh-uh-whaaaaat? He has a sister?

He turns to me and smiles sadly. Oh no.

"What happened to her?" i ask im not fully sure if something did happen but i think something did.

"She was an... accident... which caused her to go into a coma, and she hasn't woken up yet" he looks down as he tells me. A tear dropped from my face. It's not because i knew her, because i didn't but because i know the pain of someone being in a coma. You have no clue when they will wake up. Or if they will.

"How long?" i ask. I decide not to say 'i'm sorry' because quite frankly it doesn't help.

"A year" he states and looks at me waiting for my reaction. My mouth hung open and i close it. How did she get into the coma? Why didn't i know about her? I knew about Alex for a long time. Why not Amelia?

"I can see the wheels turning in your head" he says and i focus back on him and laugh slightly

"Yeah..." i say blushing slightly.

"Well my past-or should i say my family's past is really messy, and that would be why my sister is in the coma and she was always homeschooled thats why a lot of people didn't know about her" he told me and i nodded. I guess that makes since.

"Okay..." i trail off. I really don't know what to say. I pull out my phone and see 23 new text messages. 22 of them are from Aunt E and 1 of them is from James? For reals?

I check the James one first and it says...

Brotha: You Okay?

Since when does he care?

Me: yeah. Coming home soon.

I reply and move onto Aunt E's

Mostly all of them consume of 'where are you?' 'come home' 'you need to tell me these things!' 'you can't just walk around town! You can get kidnapped' 'go home now!'

So yeah... i turn to Alex and see that he is looking at my phone. He notice that i caught him stalking and he quickly turns his head and i see a faint pink on his cheeks. No way!

"OMG! I made the Alexander Bec BLUSH!! It's legit been my dream since i was 13 years old" i told him. Sarcasm leaking through my voice. He turns a bit more pink and i burst out laughing.

"Stop it!" he whines which makes me laugh harder. My stomach starts to hurt so i grab onto it and i feel tears coming down.

"Stop it or ill bite off your toes" he demands and i immediately stop laughing and look at him very seriously.

"Hey! I like my toes!" i shout and start laughing again. This time he joins me.

After a while of laughing like idiots i realize that i'm supposed to be home. I groan and get up. Yes, we were laughing so hard we fell on the floor.

"Hey, can you take me home?" i ask and he nods and get up.

"Lets go" he tells me and i follow him to his car. Once we get in he turns on the radio and this weird country song comes on. Eugh i hate. I groan at the same time Alex does. "I hate country" we say at the same time. We look at each other then burst out laughing again.


We pull to a stop and there is my wonderful home with a raging aunt inside, greatttt. Not

"Thanks for today, i guess" i tell him and he nods.

"Your welcome, any day" he says and i smile

"Hey uhm Ellie can i ask you something?" he looks really worried and nervous. Oh shezzbalz

"Yeah..." i say unsure. Oh fudgesicle

"Do you-will you-uhm go on a d-date with me?" he asks stuttering a little. Awwww. He's so cute! Wait. did i just call him cute? He is dummy. But do i like him though? Yes. in the end i came up with a answer.

"I would love to" right as i said that he smiles so big i think his face would break. He pulls me into a hug. I hug him back and chuckle.

I pull away and say 'bye' and am about to get our when he pulls my hand back. I look over at him and he reaches over and kisses my cheek. I blush and he pulls back and sits back down in his seat.

I get out of the car and walk up to my front door. I turn back and he sees me and winks and drives away. Damn that player side of him is hot!

Did you really just say that? Yes.

Oh well.

I open up the front door and i don't see aunt E. I sigh and walk up the stairs into my room. Right when i enter i see two figures and i groan.

Aunt E and Ava


After Aunt E grilled me on how i'm irresponsible she left and now i'm left with Ava. what does she want...

I look at her and see that she is studding me.

"Who was that guy in the car. The one who dropped you off. To be more clear... the one who kissed your cheek, and the guy who made your face turn red" she questions me and my mouth hangs open. Was she stalking me?

I quickly recover and come up with something to say.

"What? Who? He was no one!" i said while blushing... stop blushing!

"Mmm hmmm" she hums and she sits on my bed with her head in her hands. Why is she so intimidating?

"Is it the Alex guy you have a crush on?" she asks, and i turn even more red. I didn't thinks he would remember.

My mouth hangs open again as she raises an eyebrow. I sigh and tell her everything


"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" Ava squeals as i finished telling her whats up between Alex and i.

"I sooooooo ship Ellex (ell-ex)" Ava says in a high pitch tone, and i blush. What if someone gives you a ship name with someone you may like it WILL make you blush no matter what age.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." i say as i kick her out.

"Byeeeeee Ava" i say as she pouts and walk off. I chuckle and i see something coming up the stairs. I peek over and see James. We make eye contact for a few seconds. His eyes read regret, and sadness i feel bad until i realize that he is the jerk and he is the one that needs to apologize to ME. i break eye contact and shut my door and flop on my bed

Oh what a day...


Hey guys. Hope you liked this chapter! Hehe. he finally asked her out!!! Yeahhhhhhhh. Anyways... peace out!✌🏼

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