Smells like Love

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Dean was mid-glance at his smart phone when he heard a soft clearing of a throat in front of him. He saw the dark reflection before glancing up into the dim restaurant lights. He'd expected another polkadot dress clad cat or dog in roller skates to stop and take his order but this one was definitely lacking the bust. At the moment his eyes met the bright pink nose of the skunk in front of him he could feel his heart crawling into his throat somewhere.

"Hi there, you wouldn't happen to be NewHeart55 would you?" The sleek furred man's voice was smooth, soft, deep, had a way of making Dean's skin crawl.

"Uh, yeah, John actually, you must be-"

"OldTyme25, looks like there's no mistake about it then."

The skunk slid into place across the table from him and somehow Dean was even more nervous. He knew he shouldn't have used AnonDate. He was pretty sure he'd put in parameters for females only but somehow-

"Hey, uh, I know this probably isn't what you were expecting, but, I mean, I can't blame you on the choice of venue."

Just as he spoke, the skunk's muzzle turned slightly as he slipped a menu into his hands, er, paws. Something Dean hadn't noticed at first was was the skunks soft, amethyst eyes. They seemed to almost sparkle in time with the Elvis impersonator's dulcet tones.

"Yeah, I mean, I really like this place, I haven't been here more than a few times but... but... That doesn't matter, I mean I'm not... Uh... Listen I'm sorry, maybe I'll pay for your dinner and we can just try again when we get home?"

The skunk's eyes slipped from the second page in on the menu and for a moment Dean felt something warm in his stomach, something between anxiety and... He wasn't sure what. What if this guy was mad, or thought he was coming on to him or worse maybe he hoped he was coming on to him-

"Right, you know what, I think that'd be okay, I mean we're just two guys, hanging out at a diner, talking about the dames they'd be with if this date had gone right." Dean felt a smile crack a cross his lips and he chuckled a little loudly at that. "Yeah, I mean, sure, just like lunch with the boys."

The skunk slicked the hair on his head back a little and for the first time Dean noticed it was impeccably combed, almost like he'd expect for a greaser, but his jacket was sleek, a little more modern than would fit the stereotype. He held up two, blunt clawed fingers and crooked a waitress over with them, his big, fluff of a tail wiggling in time with the gesture. Dean felt... something kind of awed at that. If nothing else he could admit the guy oozed style.

"Hey fellas! What can I get ya!"

"I'll be taking the Gudyears Special, and my friend here is gonna have a good old fashioned orange cream," The skunk gave a little wink, "Right?"

Dean felt something weird, warm. He didn't know how this guy didn't have a girl already, he found himself nodding a little, at a loss for words.

"Ooohhh!" The waitress giggled like a bobbysoxer, "Comin' right up!"

As she sped away Dean couldn't help taking in more of the skunk's form. His jacket opened and he slipped it right back, wearing a plain white t-shirt with a little black grease stain almost artfully on the left chest, about where his heart would be. The little mark bounced like a ball over subtitles when the skunk laughed.

"Hey buddy, eyes up here you know. Gonna ask my name or are you just here to look? I mean I don't mind either way-"

"Uh, wait what?"

As his eyes locked with the scintillating purple sparkles Dean felt his heart warm up in his chest a little. The skunk's smile was a pearl crescent on his face, both arms naturally behind his neck and his chair tipped back a little. Somehow the skunk's eyes seemed to be stuck right on his own.

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