A Bath

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"But you have to take a bath Sammy! It's been 3 weeks!", but Sammy didn't care, he was filthy and he liked being that way and he had found the perfect hiding spot in his house to hide from his parents. Ever since he had turned 12 years old his parents had nagged him to shower daily, but he was the persistent type and always found a way around it. Smelling bad didn't bother him, being dirty didn't bother him, he had always hated baths and showers, and remembered the many battles he had with his parents when he was a kid over taking them. The other kids sometimes called him a skunk or said that he

"stinks like a skunk", but it never bothered him. He was one determined kid, and even if it meant ridicule he could do whatever he wanted. His parents had heard that the other kids sometimes called him a skunk, and while when they talked to their parents they discouraged it they knew that the other kids had a point.

His parents tried to explain to him how unhealthy it was to go so long without bathing and how the other kids would respect him more if he finally started to bathe. But nothing they said had any effect on him. One day out of desperation his mother said

"Sammy, I know the other kids call you a skunk, well if you don't bathe soon your going to end up becoming one for real. You don't want that do you?". Sammy could only look at her like she was crazy, his parents had tried some odd things to get him to shower, but to say

"you'll end up becoming a skunk if you don't" took the cake. Looking at her as if she was crazy he responded with

"Common Mom, I'm not a little kid anymore, I know that things like that don't really happen". Simply responding with a

"Well okay, but don't say I didn't warn you" his mother walked away.

Getting into bed, Sammy went to sleep.

When he awoke the next day, he felt a bit odd. He couldn't quite "put his finer on it" but something wasn't quite 'right'. Looking in the mirror, his reflection looked a bit odd. He appeared to have lost a few of the inches that he had gained in a previous

"growth sprit", and he looked a bit younger, about how he looked at this time last year. Looking closely at his arms there was a fine coating of black hair on them which became white at his wrists. And his finger nails seemed a bit pointer then normal. Wondering if the changes were happening elsewhere on his body he took his clothes off and looked at himself in the bathroom mirror, which happened to be a full length mirror. His legs also had the thin coating of hair. It was mostly black, but turned white at his ankles and was white in his inner thighs. His face still seemed to look normal, so he just put on jeans and a long sleeved shirt and put his hands in his pockets when he wasn't using them, figuring that he could cover the changes with clothes. He wasn't sure what to think about what was going on, his mothers words

"you'll end up becoming a skunk if you don't" echoed though his mind, but he brushed them off.

The day at school went pretty much as normal, although he did feel a bit itchy. Considering what was going on, he wasn't bothered as much by the taunts of his classmates. Somehow they just didn't seem as bad.

Getting home, the itchiness had subsided. After saying hi to everyone he went upstairs to his room to see if anything more had happened during the day. It hadn't.

"Maybe this was all just some weird puberty thing that will wear off in a day of two" he though and went downstairs for supper. That evening he had the same fight as usual with his parents about taking a bath, and despite the changes that had occurred in his body and the suspicion that his mothers words were coming true he still decided not to.

Again he went to bed and to sleep.

The next morning when he woke up, he felt strange again. Again looking in the mirror, it was clear that the changes had continued. The hair on his body, while before just a light covering was now much thicker. He could barley see his skin under it. It's texture was much softer then human hair, it was almost like fur. Speaking of human hair, the hair on his head, his human hair appeared to be falling out and being replaced by white hair. The white hair replacing it, was not quite as soft as the hair on his body, but was still soft compared to the hair on his head. The changes had now spread to his face. He had a fairly thick coating of hair over much of it. Its color was white around his eyes, mouth and nose. His nose and mouth were to grow together, as if they were forming into a muzzle. His ears were a bit smaller and seemed to have moved up his head slightly. Again he seemed to have lost several inches in height. It was hard to tell with the fur, but he definitely looked younger, maybe around 8 years old. Despite the fact that his changes were much more pronounced, he actually seemed somewhat calmer then he had felt yesterday. Again his mothers words "you'll end up becoming a skunk if you don't" echoed though his head, but this time it was almost as if he was hoping it were true.

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