Jack had arrived at Jesse and Jessica's Transformation Sprays, a new store that had recently opened for business a matter of days ago. The logo being composed of two orange raccoon faces, both looking rather happy. Though it could be noted that the girl raccoon looked a lot more uncomfortable than the male, like it was much more forced. You'd of thought they would of redone it but it seemed like that had to of been the one they got.
The interior wasn't much to look at, it seemed like Jack had just wandered into a warehouse with the lack of colorful flooring and wallpaper. However, each spray was listed and separated into categories from full blown animals, anthropomorphic animals, fictional anthropomorphic animals, inanimate, the list was endless. Jack was somewhat taken aback by all the options there was available. He didn't even know where to begin! It seemed the store owner noticed this, and decided to reveal himself.
It was an orange anthropomorphic raccoon man in a sweatervest with glasses on. "You seem to be lost, can I assist you with your needs?" the raccoon asked to Jack, who seemed a bit taken aback by the sight. "You're distracted by the fact I'm animal aren't you?"
"A-a little bit." Jack admitted.
"It's kind of a long story so I won't bore you with details." the raccoon answered, pushing his glasses up.
"Alright...so uh...what exactly do you do here?" Jack asked back taking a deep breath, deciding it'd be easier to accept this as his new reality.
"It seems pretty obvious by the name, but I guess I'll explain it anyways." he sighed, seemingly annoyed. "The sprays here are designed to transform the user for a certain duration of time depending on how much is used."
"How do you know how much to use?"
"We apply the sprays ourselves, we don't offer any permanency options as to keep customers coming if they enjoy whatever bodies they end up with. It's business 101 really."
"Great." Jack said, a little bit annoyed at the man's attitude. "What's your name exactly, you don't wear a nametag or anything."
"Jesse, as per the sign. You don't often see orange raccoons do you?"
"Whatever." Jack said shaking his head. "So can I get a spray then?"
"Well, it's a little more complicated than that..." Jesse said back, his voice sounding a little less confident.
"What exactly do you mean by that?" Jack asked with a raised eyebrow.
"You see...it's a..." with each word Jesse's voice got quieter and quieter and lost the confidence in it. Not only that, his hair was longer, and his posture got more and more reserved. Small, but noticeable breasts appeared on his chest, while the figure took on an hourglass shape, now undeniably a girl, Jack was a bit taken aback by all of this.
"N-now then...what kind of spray were you looking for...?" the new raccoon girl said, avoiding eye contact with Jack entirely.
"Wait wait wait, you just turned into a girl raccoon and you expect me to just accept that?" Jack asked back in disbelief. "You can't expect me to believe that, what was it, Jesse?"
"I'm not Jesse!" the woman snapped back. "My name is Jessica! We aren't the same...person..." her anger subsided and her eyes widened. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to go off like that...don't leave..."
"It's alright...I'm not going anywhere." Jack said with a slow nod. He had to admit he already liked Jessica much more than Jesse. "Well then, I'd be cool to try some sort of full animal transformation. Maybe like a skunk?"
"Why a skunk? They're all smelly and gross." Jessica asked before blushing and speaking much faster. "Notthatthereisanythingwrongwiththat!"
"I just always thought they were cute." Jack admittedly. "Besides, it's not forever so I don't mind it. Just for maybe like ten minutes?"
"Alright...in that case you'd stay here and I'd use reversal spray to return you to normal." Jessica explained. "I hope that doesn't make you not want to do it..."
"No no no, I still want to." Jack said with a nod. "So...what do I do?"
"Well...let me get the spray and meet me in the room over there." she said pointing to a section that resembled a forest. Jack nodded and went over, Jessica soon joining him with two cans in hand.
"Okay...so I'm going to spray you and then the magic's gonna start...close your eyes." Jessica instructed and after seeing Jack do just that, sprayed his entire body.
"Alright, all done!" Jessica said happily. "You can open your eyes now!"
Jack did just that, and looking down already noticed that his body was starting to grow black fur all over. His hair starting to turn white, becoming shorter and shorter while his body itself starting shrinking into his clothes. Jack felt something growing out from behind him, forming into a small fluffy tail with a white stripe going down it, going all the way up to his nose, of which was a much darker pink and smaller. Jack's hand and feet both became small and pink, his nails becoming sharper claws. His face pushed out into a muzzle with eyes forming on both sides. Small whiskers formed on both ends and with that, Jack was left as a simple feral skunk.
Jack, now figuring his changes were done clawed his way out of his now oversized clothes, looking up at the raccoon. He tried to speak but all that came out were chitters.
"Aw, you are kinda cute." Jessica giggled softly, bending down and picking up the skunk in her arms, petting his back, to which Jack reacted positivity to.
"J-just don't spray me okay?" Jessica said down to Jack with a nervous smile, who nodded his head up and down.
"Good, go play for a little while now!" Jessica said happily but carefully setting Jack down. "Go! Be free! Be a little skunk friend!" Jessica giggled and clapped her hand. "I always love seeing happy clients! It's a shame I'll have to turn him back..."