Chapter 1: What Is HAPPENING?!

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Maria's POV

Hello everyone! I'm Maria! so what you need to know about me is I love gay things! And kpop!! my day is usually filled with that type of stuff. i wake up to a kpop alarms then read yaoi manga before i leave home.

and today was the same schedule. wake up shower get ready and head out to my college classes. i was at the crosswalk waiting for the red light to turn green. in the meantime i plugged my ears with my earphones and played BTS's We Are Bullet Proof. my phone began to play my ring tone signaling i had a message. i pull it out and began typing up my response. the light turned green now. i began to walk with my eyes glued to the screen.

i began to hear a car honking and tires screeching. but i chose to ignore it. I'm still on my phone when i get a new notification. oh an update on my favorite yaoi manga!! awesome!! I'll read it after class!

i shove my phone in my bag and look up just in time. just in time to see a car about to hit me. the man was screaming at me. to move. but i couldn't. i was frozen. my legs wouldn't move no matter how hard i tired. this is it. this is where my life ends. tears dropped down my face. I'm not ready to die! i don't want my life to end!!

Yaoi Gods and Goddesses please i need to live i haven't read the update yet!!! Kpop Gods and Goddesses i haven't even gone to a kpop concert!!! i haven't seen Kookie in person yet!!!


my body felt light. I open my eyes but everything was blurry. i had to blink several times before i could finally see clearly. but when i looked around it seemed as if time had frozen. a car was on its side and the woman inside had blood on her face and had her mouth open but no sound was coming out. there was people in running position but not moving. i look down horrific at the scene to see, well me. i was laying there blood surrounding my body. i looked


I'm not done taking in the scene when everything goes black. I'm freaking out. i ran in circles trying to find the end of the room. but it seemed as if it goes on forever.

"hello?" my voice trembled

i herd people taking very close by. it sounded like they were whispering. maybe they knew i was here and didn't want me to hear them. it made me even more curious. i slowly and quietly walked towards the direction the voices are coming from.

"we should let her go." said one voice

"no she isn't ready." said another

"let's send her back." said the third person

"2 to 1 i guess the answer is obvious. let's send her back." said the second voice

this is creep but who are these people taking about? are they possible taking about me? i start backing up a bit freaked out. i trip and start to fall back. but as i fell it seemed as the floor was now gone! i began to scream.

a white bright light flashed causing me to close my eyes. i felt like I couldn't breath. i gasped for air. i kicked off the blankets, sat up trying to catch my breath. i herd noises coming from below me.

"hey TaeTae are you okay?" someone's head popped up beside my bed

i jumped back completely freaked out! who the hell is in my room?! i take a quick look around and realize I'm not in my room! this isn't my house!! i squint my eyes trying to make out the person's face. the person flashed his phone letting me see his face. it's him. how and why on earth am i here!?!?!?

"TaeTae hyung! are your okay?!" Kookie asked in a worried tone

wait hold the phone!!! did he just call me TaeTae? as in V. as in Kim Taehyun. As in the vocal for BTS!! i look down at my body and see my boobs are gone!! it's replaced with a strong flat chest! but it's a man's chest!!!



i jump out of bed and ran out the room and towards the bathroom. how i know where it is i have no idea!! i stood over the sink starting at myself. or starting at V. i began to touch my face. or V's face. this is real!! what do i do??!!

maybe this is a dream! yeah!! i opened the faucet and splashed cold water on my face. i look up to see V still in mirror. okay maybe if i pinch myself!! i pinch my arm but nothing changed. i began to slap my cheeks. nothing. what is happening to me!!???!? what is going on!?!?!?!

i start to feel light headed. i try to calm down but how can i possible calm down!! I am in someone else's body!! but not just in anybody's I'm in Taehyun from BTS's body!!!!! my vision starts to become blurry. i lost my balance and fall with a loud thud. i see the bathroom door open and see Jungkook with worry written all over his face. he kept on calling for Taehyun but i couldn't open my mouth. my eyes were suddenly heavy suddenly closing on me as i slipped into unconsciousness.


okay done!! how was the first chapter? was it good? well hopefully it was!!! anyways hey Maria did you like it??? don't worry more of kookie will come up in the next chapter~~~

vote. comment. stay cool.


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