Chapter 5: Wait! No.... no!!!

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Maria's POV 

"Ah so tiring!!" Jhope whined

"Yah jhope shut up already!" Suga

"We have to keep practicing! Our showcase is in 2 weeks!" Rap Monster said standing up

"Aish okay. Come on everyone let's continue." Jin ordered

"Ne!" Everyone answered

We continued practicing. Everytime danger would play I would sing along. I haven't seen the music video! I'm dying to see it!! The song is amazing as it is imagine how amazing the music video will be!!! We ate in the dance room and we talked about the showcase after that we continued dancing.

After a month of practicing and practicing I have the songs and dances memorized. Jungkook has even told me he has seen me a few times dancing to our songs in my sleep. I rarely have the time to go and meet V. I do constantly update him on everything. I was glad I finally had the songs down! I was talking to bts a bit more normally and I was able to joke around with them. And I was able to be weird like V!

Today everyone but me and Jungkook had something to do so they went out. We sat in our beds resting.

"Hyung." Jungkook called out

"Mm" I hummed

"What's your favorite color?"

That's a odd question to ask. "Blue. Why?"

"Just. What's your favorite number?"

"Um 7" I say

"Favorite food?"

"Tteokbokki!" I answer happily

"Um do you bite your nails?"

"Oh no! I hate that."

He stops talking. Did I say something wrong?

"Whats your blood type?"

"O. Why are you asking all these weird questions?"

He sighs. I said something wrong right! He sits on his bed. I did the same.

"You-" he stopped and thought

"Whats wrong jungkook?"

"You aren't-"

"I'm not what?"

"You aren't Kim Taehyung."

My mouth opened to say something but I couldn't find any words to say. I just stared at him.

"I'm right. Aren't I?" He staired right at me

"What are you saying kookie?" I laugh nervously 

"V- no who ever you are where's V?"

"Kookie why are you saying this? I'm V. I'm Taehyung." I say this time a with a it more confidence

"Stop it. I know you aren't V. The way you talk it's different. Your likes are his dislikes. His dislikes are your likes. You said your blood type is O. Well his is AB."

"Um- well um i-i-it changed my likes and dislikes."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Taehyung~!"

He sighed. Crap he knows. He knows I'm not V! I was getting way too comfortable with him! I wasn't thinking about my answers.

He stood up grabbed my phone and ran off. No that's has proof I'm not V! I chased after him. He ran into the bathroom shut the door behind him and locked the door. No! No no no no no no!!!!! I'm dead! I banged on the door.

"Kookie come out please. Let's talk. Yah Jungkook. Please."

I kept banging on the door begging him to not read anything on my phone. But he ignored me and stayed locked up in the bathroom probably looking at my messages. I stopped banging on the door and just waited. I herd the door nob move. I stair intensely at it. Then the door opens.

I look up completely terrified. What is he going to do? What is he going to say? Who is he going to tell? I was so scared of what was going to come out of his mouth I was shaking.

"Hey liste-"

Wait no! NO!! I ran off. I don't want to hear what he has to say. I run. I run towards the bedrooms and shut the door locking it behind me. I lean against the door. I can't process what's going on. I feel like my head is going to explode. I slid to the floor still trying to process what is happening. Then two soft knocks and a soft calm voice brought me back from my thoughts that were suffocating me.

"Tae- um Maria, I think you and I need to have a long talk. I promise I'll be calm."

I need to talk to him. I need to explain. He's probably worried about V. Okay I need to do this. I stood up unlocked the door and back away from the door. The opened and Jungkook walked in.


I look up and meet his eyes.


Kookie knows!!! Dun dun duuuuuuuuunnnnn!!!! Haha

Vote. Commemt. Stay Cool.

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