Keith X Reader

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      You woke with a jolt, your head pounded with a harsh headache. You placed your hand on your forehead, your eyes we're dazed as you sat up. You blinked slowly before turning to a figure laying in bed with you.

      You recollected your thoughts and realized you slept with Keith last night. A huge shade of rose brushed your face as your <your eye color> eyes grew wide.

     Keith's manly figure started to stirr, his shoulder muscles rippling under his skin. You saw a claw mark you left on him from the night before. You felt bad, but couldn't help clawing him.

     Keith moaned as he didn't quite want to wake yet. He shook his large head, his black mullet was tangled from sleeping. You rested your hand on his shoulder as you layed down, your stomach pressed gently against his back.

      "Oh, hello," Keith said, in a friendly tone as he reached his hand to grab yours.

     "Hello Keith. I'm sorry about the fight," you apologized. You didn't want to talk about your hangover. Keith's head shook as he turned to face you. His deep gray eyes were blazing with forgiveness.

      "It's okay, your claw marks aren't that bad," he replied, his tone was somehow more cheerful than you expected.

      "We should wake the others," you suggested, hoping they didn't hear the fight.

     Keith yawned and got to his feet, he pulled on his pants and reached for his shirt.

     You copied him and put on your shorts and your favorite shirt. You reached for him, making sure he was okay and that he understood that you were drunk last night.

     "Do you have a hangover?" Keith asked sympathy bold in his voice. You nodded slightly, it was passing.

    "You know every relationship has its ups and downs," you pointed out thoughtfully. You sighed as you realized you sounded a bit like Pidge.

     Keith nodded, pulling on his boots. You took your shoes and placed them on your feet, making sure they were secure, you walked out of the room, Keith following eagerly.

     "So," a voice boomed in the room. The lights were off, and shadowy shapes were casting around. A hand reached for a lamp switch. It flicked on to reveal the Paladins sitting on the couch. Their arms crossed and faces straight, except for Lance's. He was trying to hold back a laugh.

    "Turtles or tortoises?" Shiro asked slyly, Keith gazed at you, he was genuinely confused.

    "We will go with what are turtles for 100," you replied snarkily, your eyes were narrowed in a competitive way.

    Hunk grunted as he looked over to Pidge, who was typing up a question.
"Have you and Keith kissed yet?"

     Pink dusted your cheeks, you knew the answer already, but didn't want to answer with everyone there.

   "That's what I thought," Pidge hissed, her voice was filled with amusement.

   Keith scoffed before grabbing your face and kissing you gently and gazing at Pidge. "Happy?"

    "Very," Lance replied, laughing harshly. "It's on tape too," he pulled out his phone that was hidden to show the recording of Keith and you kissing.

     "Lance!" the room echoed as everyone shouted at him in unison. Lance chuckled before swiping his finger across his phone, indicating that he doing something else.
     Your head was pounding harshly as the light hit your eyes aggressively. Keith hugged you tightly, pulling you close to his body, he felt the pain in your head vividly.

    "You should rest," he advised, his voice was sympathetic as he lead you to the bedroom so you could rest easily.

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