Shiro X Reader

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    You and Shiro have been together for three years now, you wanted to marry that hunk of a man, but knew he wasn't ready.

    You heard Shiro's familiar voice echo from the lounge. You got to your feet and raced daintily down to where Shiro was sitting.

    Shiro's muscles flexed under his clothing as he reached to his feet. He gazed past you and shifted his head to the right before running up to you and giving you a huge hug.

    You smiled broadly before kissing his soft lips. You gazed into his distracted eyes, they seemed to be full of pride, even though he was focused on something else.

    "How did you sleep?" he asked genuinly concerned. You grinned and said it was fine. Shiro held up two thumbs, clearly directed to someone else.

    Jealousy hit you hard like a rock. Shiro would cheat on you. Would he?
You tried to look behind you, but Shiro pulled your face to look at him.

    He pulled something small out of his pocket before dipping down onto one knee.

    "<your name>, " Shiro said boldly. He smiled broadly before taking your hand. "We have been together for three years now-oh my gosh!" he gasped. "Behind you!"

    You swung away to see Pidge, Keith, Lance, Hunk, Allura, and Coran standing at the entrance to the room. Each holding a sign.

    "Will," Pidge said, turning the sign over to reveal the word will in green.

    "You," Keith said after, turning over the sign to say you in a crimson red.
    "Marry," Lance said, making kissing noises as he turned his sign over to say marry in blue. The sign was upside down though.

    "Me," Hunk boldly replied, the word me in a golden yellow.

     "<Your name," Allura daintily trembled, her nervous tone could show as your name was colored a shade of pink.

    "Question mark!" Coran exclaimed, turning his sign over to reveal an orange question mark.

   "Will you marry me <your name>?" you read aloud. You turned to Shiro who was gazing up at you, his eyes shimmering as his hands clasped a small box with a ring covered in diamonds.

    "Well?" Lance urged on impatiently. Shiro gazed sharply at him before turning back to you.

    "Will you marry me?" he asked again, his voice was soft and warm. You gushed.

   "Yes!" you squealed, rushing down into his safe arms. You kissed his cheek affectionately before he slipped the gorgeous ring onto your finger. It fit perfectly.

   Shiro gazed happily at you before picking you up and slamming you on the couch playfully. He later kissed you which felt as if it would last an eternity

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