Author's Note: For further more information or clue about the context to enhance the overall meaning and purpose of the word spear, here is a definition of a spear.
Spear (n): A weapon with a long shaft and a pointed tip, typically of metal, used for thrusting or throwing. Synonyms: javelin, lance, assegai, harpoon, bayonet; gaff, leister, pike
sharpened blades
strikes when I'm afraid
ur blades got me swayed
yet don't want be swayed
i want you
to strike me deep and got scars that don't fade
to remind myself what u made
u showed me what i said.
btw did u know, I sharpened your blades
strike and used the blades
u cut me swiftly in my eyes
I owe you a lot I want to cry
cuz i want to be blinded, not to recognized
when u used that blade when's someone else is afraid
if this how I suppose to feel hurt
why does it hurt so good?
why does spear hurt so good
if you'll hurt someone
speared deeper like Joab (2 samuel 18:24)
people are resilient dont u know?
crush my head instead dont strike me on my heel
dont cut my eyes cuz I can still feel
why spear?
My Side (A Poetry)
Şiir"There are three sides to every story: Your side, my side, and the truth." by Robert Evans If life is a story and our love story is a poetry, here's My Side..