|3| scene...

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I wake up..cold as usual, Hungry, and tired as well. Welp..I gotta live like this for the rest of my life...

Get up...
I said get-
I have two hours before school starts..
That's great, but don't forget~
I won't..I'll do them when I'm gonna use the restroom.
...hey..go google 'perfect weight for 4'11'
Why should I?  I've thought about being some what 80 pounds..
Just make sure...

I grabbed my phone from the bedside table..opening my phone.. I see happy Aphmau with all of her friends..
look how miserable I've got...
Shut up..your not miserable..your just sad that you aren't as skinny as your friends...
They aren't skinny..they just have a lot of muscle..

I got frustrated from..her. I swiped my phone and unlocked it.  I quickly went to safari..then  googled it.  Perfect weight for 4'11. 
There was a lot of Anorexia bloggers, but I decided to just focus on what I was looking for.

It Says I should be 85 pounds..or 103 pounds..
That's a lie..
But almost every post says th-
You.Are.gonna.be.80 pounds.or less.. got it?
I startled at my loud annoying alarm clock..crap.
You know What time is it?
Sit ups and crunches time...
Ah i love it When you said that...
Well of course you do.

I got up and put my hair in a tight bun, and laying down next to my bed...
And start doing those sit ups first..it didn't take me that long..about..5 minutes, and the crunches took about 3 minutes.

You just lost weight..
By doing those stupid exercises?
Yea, the 3 minute crunches lost you 13kcal.
And the sit ups?
I'm guessing you don't know.
Just go get ready..your gonna be late...

I got up and used the restroom, brushed my hair and teeth, changed to my school uniform, and put on some earrings.
All done!
You forgot to check your self...
Oh..okay then.

I walked to the big and high mirror. I lifted my school shirt, and saw that..my stomach has gone smaller..
I guess I lost weight..
Your stomach looks flatter...
Can I go and eat something...please.
When you come home.
What about lunch?
Your not gonna eat breakfast or lunch..
What am I gonna have for dinner?
Something with no fat or cards...
Sounds like I gotta go grocery shopping..
Crap! I'm late!
Why are you waiting? Go!

I began running towards the school, my bag hitting my back every other step i make..
I quickly got tired..but voice wouldn't let me stop. I just kept going.. I'm in pain..I'm breathless..my heart pumping way too fast..my head is spinning...
You made it.

I stood in front of the school, nervous to see my friends... I see Aaron running towards me..he shook me and screamed something at me..but I just couldn't hear anything. I was 6 minutes early, and a lot of students are still outside. I felt so dizzy and tired..that I collapsed.

"Aphmau!" I could hear the last thing Aaron say to me...I also head a lot of gasps and whisperers..

Great job..you just made a scene..

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