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This is a rewrite of one of my favorite stories that I've ever written. It REALLY needed to be redone.

If you think Vincent is a little OOC throughout this rewrite, just imagine him starting tickle fights, making period jokes, and making many, MANY stupid references. Also, Chaos and Shadow made out. It was quite the ride.

I should just go back to the original and rename the original Violet Shadows "Vincent does ALL the drugs."

Anyway, I hope you enjoy :)

 I shake my head firmly, eyes falling to the scuffed surface of the table before me. My sister's words echo through my head, a whisper of dying hope laced in her words.

"Lucy, I just..." I sigh, frustrated. "I don't think it's a good idea. This is your child we're talking about here—not to mention that mad scientist."

"Professor Hojo isn't mad," she defends, lifting her pointed chin defiantly and narrowing her brown eyes on the wooden floor. "He merely takes pride in his unprecedented studies. They're not exactly what you would call socially acceptable."

"None of this is socially acceptable," I counter, rolling my eyes and sinking back into my seat. I cross my arms over my chest tightly, glaring at the foggy window to my right before heaving a sigh and turning back to Lucrecia. "And what about Valentine?" She cringes quite visibly, uncomfortably shifting in her seat and gazing at the door to the library longingly. Scanning the room for any sign of the gloomy agent, she gives in and straightens.

"He'll be fine," she replies, her voice barely crawling over the edge of a whisper. "He's sensitive, but he'll get over it soon enough." I huff a sarcastic laugh; it sounds more like she's trying to convince herself. She's leaving the perfect image of a man behind (granted, he's a Turk—so not quite perfect) for a madman who does nothing but rant and rave about aliens and creating the perfect soldier.

"Yes, what could go wrong," I mock, leaning forward and slamming my hands down on the table just to make her jump. I stand so abruptly that my chair clatters to the ground behind me. "Except, y'know, a few issues with your child!"

"I really wish you wouldn't worry so much," Lucrecia says with a sharp edge to her voice.

"He's my nephew!"

"Hush, Violet!" she scolds, scanning the empty library nervously before gently grasping my forearm, an earnest look in her innocent eyes. "There's no need to be so loud." I scoff, jerking away from her touch and starting toward the door.

"Right," I mutter, stretching my arms and shaking my head bitterly. "I'm gonna go get some air."

"Enjoy," Lucrecia murmurs, frowning and facing the window.

Rolling my eyes, I throw the door open and make sure to slam it hard behind me before charging down the hallway. Irritated, I wrap my arms around myself tightly and storm down the dim hallway, unsure of where I'm going as I fume over Lucrecia's purely idiotic decisions. "The older sibling is always smarter" my Shinra-kissing-butt. I don't realize my company until I crash straight into them, stumbling into the wall to keep myself from sprawling out on top of them. I follow the dark tie in my face up to the slim, pale neck of a man, followed sharply by an angled face and crimson eyes that speak volumes about Shinra's Turk training. The man's emotionless.

"Sorry, Vincent," I huff, straightening quickly and dusting off his shirt for good measure. Maybe as a sign of formality... I'm not sure how socializing works, if I'm totally honest. "Didn't see you there. You blend in with the gloom, y'know?"

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