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My eyelids flutter open at a strange warm sensation. I'm cast in some sort of odd green light, bubbles of air rising around me. Bubbles... I'm immediately awake, slamming hand against the glass wall before me. Shalua's figure is morphed by the odd fluid, but I can see her talking to Vincent. My heart races in my chest, both palms pressing to the glass as Vincent finally sees me and mutters something to Shalua.

You're pathetic.

And where were you?!

"Well, look who's awake," the woman says curtly after draining the tank and opening the door. I scowl at her as I walk past, running a hand down one of my sleeves only to find that I'm completely dry. Technology these days, I swear. I shudder, sticking myself to Vincent's side. "Don't like getting wet, do you?" I roll my eyes and Vincent's eyes catch mine in a silent warning to "play nice."

"Where are we?" he asks, looking around the spacious laboratory we've been brought to.

"Safe inside the WRO headquarters," Shalua replies, pushing her glasses up. "I carried you back here from Edge after you collapsed during your fight with Deepground. It seems like the beast inside you went a little wild back there." Meanwhile, my #$% of a demon took a nap. "This happen often?"

"Went wild?" Vincent repeats, frowning. "Do you mean Chaos?"

"Chaos?!" Shalua exclaims, eye flashing wide. Yup. She takes a deep breath, pacing. "Your body harbors the Chaos gene?!" Something clicks in her head; she stops and faces us once more. "Oh, so that explains your relationship with Dr. Lucrecia Crescent." That puts the sour expression right back onto my face. Vincent glances at the floor, likely recalling our conversation the other night. Shalua turns to face me, pushing her glasses up. "How about you? Are you... holding Chaos as well?"

"Nope," I reply simply.

"Anything at all?" she pushes, determined. "I know there's something there, I can feel—"

"It's only Shadow," I shrug. "And she was summoned from who knows where by Hojo." Shalua's face falls.

"Surely you must know... About their relations?"

"Their who-whats?" I raise an eyebrow.

"You don't—Nevermind," she shakes her head quickly. "Vincent, were you a product of her experiments?"

"Lucrecia's experiments?" Vincent repeats. I sigh; here we go again.

"She was a scientist, Vince, what else would she do?" I cross my arms, looking back over at Shalua. "She didn't create him if that's what you're asking. We've both been around a long time."

"I apologize," Shalua rushes, shaking her head. "That wasn't what I meant."

"Wait..." Vincent murmurs, frowning at nothing in particular. "Lucrecia was researching Chaos?"

"Yeah," I reply quickly, hurrying to cover Shalua's voice. #$%^, I forgot all about... "She, uh, she let me know when she was researching with..." My eyes flicker up to Vincent's when I notice him watching me expectantly. "A—a friend." Shalua glances at Vincent, not completely understanding my answer, and hurries toward a computer. She rapidly types with one hand, the prosthetic on her left merely hanging beneath her jacket.

"Crescent. Shinra class. A scientist specializing in biotechnology. In her research thesis, 'The Planet's Pulse,' she refers to Chaos as one of the sentient xenoforms residing among us. However, the theories that she presented in her work were so abstract and complex..."

He looks mesmerized.

My eyes turn away from the text on the screen and toward Vince. I sigh, my heart stinging at the look of longing burning his face. Clenching my jaw, I tear my eyes away, staring hard at the desk to my right. This is why I'm making him choose. Shalua looks up, easily noticing my changed demeanor.

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