XXIII) Sephiroth

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I don't bother to shut my door behind me as I rush into my cabin. I pick up the folded paper that rests on my side table and pull it open as I sit on the edge of my bed.

Dear Violet,

I don't know if I will ever see you again in order to give you this letter, but I decided to write it anyway. I don't know where to begin, so honestly, I'll just jot things down as I go.

I'm sorry for the experiments; I never intended to hurt you. I tried to forget you were my little sister and moved on with the experiments in hopes that it would protect Sephiroth—because that's what you wanted. The sacrifice you made was not and will never be forgotten. Vincent didn't forget. I didn't forget. Professor Hojo certainly did not forget; he was always bothered by the noble nature of the act, though he kept it secret. I don't expect you to understand, knowing your stubborn tendencies, but I only wish for you to know the truth.

I can see a great many things from these caves; the Planet shows me it all through the mako. Avalanche was good for you—fellowship was good for you. It was good for you to find the very man you searched for for so many years.

I concocted a mixture of chemicals to enhance both your new powers and your old strengths, a strength that humanity always demands that we increase. You're already stronger than any other human out there, and yet somehow, I'm certain you don't understand it. Your limits exist no longer. As long as you kept breathing, you could run the circumference of the Planet without stopping to breathe once. The serum should diminish the boundaries that surround your abilities with the weapons your demon provides. Your new capabilities involve the elements of magic, to counteract your fear of materia.

I can see a future ahead of you. It's not good, but I don't dare write it down should it either change history or change your mind. I wish only for the Planet to carry on as it wills. Gods, why you? The word I carved into your bow is its name, yes, but it's the only hint I could allow myself to send you. The spheres you fear most will be your salvation. I know that if anyone can change the future, it is you. Violet, I can see it all from here. Don't be afraid to be bold. End the troubles of this planet. End Meteor. End my son. End my suffering. Please.



I blink and glance down at my bow. So it does mean something. But materia? What does that have to do with any of this? Why did I wait for the last few hours to try and decode my sister's nonsense? I should be tea testing with Cid or fighting with Yuffie. Or maybe talking to Vincent. Standing, I cross the hall and head down two doors to his cabin, knocking once. And again. Once more. Vincent finally opens up, looking purely exhausted with his bandana slipping down his face and his hair tousled. He huffs and adjusts the wrinkled cloth before directing his attention to me.


"I didn't know you were sleeping," I laugh, shaking my head. "That's some pretty interesting bedhead."

"Most might notice the shirt first," he grumbles, tired, and opens the door wider.

"What, that you undid a few buttons? Nice try, Valentine. It'll take more than that to seduce me." I enter the room, turning around to grin at him. "If you want my honest opinion, most would be jealous of that flat stomach and your clear lack of dimension." He huffs and pushes his sabatons off of his feet before shutting the door. "How in the ever-loving #$%^ did you sleep in those?"

"I haven't slept in over a week," he replies dryly. "If that counts for anything."

"Eh," I shrug. He sighs.

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