II) Cid Highwind

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Calm and quiet, Rocket Town remains just as I remember it. Few people wander the dusty dirt streets, an old man sits on his porch staring up at the town's one and only leaning, rusted shuttle and a pair of teenagers argues on the corner outside a small grocery store. Cloud looks up at the rocket looming in the distance, confusion clear in his bright blue eyes.

"A rusty old rocket... Wonder what they'd make something that huge for?"

"Space, if I had to guess," I reply, earning a snicker from Yuffie and an eye roll from Tifa.

"We should check out the shops," Tifa suggests. "Y'know, restock our supplies before we head out."

"Good idea," Cloud nods. "Yuffie and Violet, come with me. The rest of you buy anything you need within reason. Remember that we're running low on gil." Why me of all people?

I glance up at Vincent. His solemn face never changes as his eyes take in the new sights before him. I hear the others found him sleeping in a coffin; unlike him, I've been around the world countless times over these past thirty years. He has no idea what's changed and what's stayed the same. Before this place was a small, quiet town named Sleeping Oaks where all the people had funny accents and didn't grow taller than five foot ten. A place that faded in the face of Shinra's cash.

Tifa was right to suggest restocking. The mountains and their native beasts were hard on everyone. I drank many potions to prevent Shadow from breaking loose, terrified of the bloody outcome if she were to get her hands on Avalanche. I'm positive they all think I'm addicted to the things, as rubbery and slimy as they are.

Cloud heads straight toward the old man after we leave the first shop with twenty more potions tucked away into our supply. The man on the porch turns to us with dull gray eyes, a stern look carved into his tanned, wrinkled face. He stands as Cloud comes to a stop, blond eyebrow raised expectantly.

"This used to be a Shinra base where they launched rockets. You saw the leaning rocket, right? That's Shinra Number 26. It never got off the ground, though. It just looms there. That's how the town got its new name. Wanna look at it with me?"

"Yeah, let's take a look," Cloud shrugs, facing the rocket. I sigh, waiting impatiently with my arms crossed and my foot tapping an incoherent rhythm on the ground. The only lesson I learn when we leave is that when you cater to an old man's nostalgia, you earn a really long sword. Take that as you will. Next, he heads to a house I recognize easily. The Captain's. The ex-SOLDIER knocks on the door firmly, but when no one answers, lets himself in. I huff, rolling my eyes and shutting the door behind me. Who taught this kid manners? We go through the small house and out the back door, where Yuffie starts to bounce around like an excited rabbit.

"There's a Shinra logo on it..." Cloud observes, cocking his head to the side. "Tiny Bronco... This is cool."

"I wonder if we could borrow it?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at the young man.

"Um... May I help you?"

I turn to see a familiar woman pushing her big round glasses up the bridge of her freckled nose, curiously scanning over our faces. She pulls her white coat tighter over her bright yellow shirt. I tear my eyes away from the item of clothing, suppressing a shudder. Even after all these years... Cloud shrugs, nonchalant as always.

"No... We were just looking at it."

"If you would like to use it, please ask the Captain," the woman informs us. "The Captain should be in the rocket. I'm Shera... What are your names?"

"I'm Cloud."

"I'm Yuffie!"


"Hmm, so you're not with Shinra." Shera relaxes visibly, sighing. "I thought the approval for the reopening of the Space Program came."

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