XVIII) Diamond Weapon

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Why am I here? I wonder, turning about to see total darkness surrounding me. It's not the absence of light; it's pure nothing. When I raise my hands, I can see them clear as day. How am I still alive?

How do you know you're not in Hell?

Hell isn't inside my head, moron.

Ah, so you recognize this place, then?

It's where you reside when you're inactive.

And where you reside when I am freed.

Please tell me you didn't decide to pay Avalanche a visit.

Unfortunately, no. I put all of my energy into healing this cursed body of yours. Even in death, I am bound to your soul and cannot be released.

... Did they make it out of the sub okay?

Yes; yours was the only serious injury. Though, you may not live for long. Highwind is quite upset that his jacket is as red as your Vincent's cape.

My... Vincent? Shadow, what are you on? You know better than anyone here that this is just a brief... distraction from the cruelty of reality.

Valentine is a distraction?

No, I'm the distraction. I know when I'm being used—he either pretends I'm Lucrecia or he's trying to learn more by getting closer to me. It won't last much longer.

What kind of man do you take him to be?

What's that supposed to mean? I'm just saying that the only reason he protects me and talks to me and, well, kisses me is because he's still so attached to Lucy that anyone as close to her as I am will do just fine. I'm tied to her and he won't ever stop living in the past. He woke up weeks ago not realizing this is thirty years into the future. She's been dead a long time.

You truly are blind...

Maybe if I'd been allowed to die in that submarine... Would he finally have looked toward the future? Am I the final chain holding him back?

Host, I may be very distant to your reality, but I can sense what the man feels. He would be devastated. Despite being host to the Chaos strain, Valentine still carries those ridiculous features known to humankind as "emotions."

What are they known to demonkind?

... #$%^.

Going back to your previous point, I fight a laugh despite myself. Why do I always feel like I'm speaking with a brick wall, then, O Wise One?

He has his guard up around others, but around you, he has learned to cast aside most of his defenses. He trusts you because he knows you. At first, he was convinced you had changed far too much; now he knows better. Perhaps it is your own blindness that is causing your conflicts.

Maybe... Why do you even bother?

I am trapped here for eternity. Despite how much I dislike you and Valentine and Chaos, I make it a point to raise your dampest moods in order to prevent myself from losing power. It's nothing personal.


Now, there is someone waiting for you to awaken.

My injury?

Nearly healed. Avalanche has merely been hoping that you don't slip into a coma or something else that might hinder their journey—or yours.

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