XXIV) Memory Lane

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I sigh as another person stomps past, splashing mud all over my already disgusting clothing. Of course, the Edge doesn't have much respect for those in the streets, and they hold even less regard for those who are truly suffering. Looking to my right, I see a small group of children whose arms and legs and faces are draped with dirty cloths of all kinds to cover the Stigma. To them, forgetting is a means of healing. To me, forgetting is a blessing. A bark snaps me out of my daze and I tear my eyes away from a little girl's moogle toy.

"Hey, Ruka," I greet, smiling softly and ruffling the muddy fur on the dog's head. Her matted fur stains my hand with dirt, but I don't pay it any mind. I take the paper bag from her mouth and open it up. Two cookies, still packaged. The corner of my mouth twitches and I force myself to my feet, my aching legs protesting as I carry myself over to the group of kids.

"It's the dog lady!" a little boy calls.

"What did Rukie bring this time?!"

"She has something!"

I shake my head, amused, and crouch to their level, opening the bag and starting to split the treats. Four kids, each gets a half... I pause and look over at the girl with the moogle, who stands a short distance away, watching curiously. I can't evenly divide...

Yes, you can. Divide each into fourths and keep the rest for yourself.

No, I'll find her something else.

You're star—

And she's dying!

What would Valentine say?

I freeze, my hand outstretched to offer the last cookie half. The last child snatches it away, savoring each sweet bite as he gives me a muffled "thank you."

He'd say nothing because he's not here.

I stand, shaking my head and watching the moogle girl while she stares at the other children. I've only ever seen those four push her away, force her out, because she "cries too much." I can tell she's been through a lot, and she hardly looks a day over nine. She has every right to shed a few tears. The fact that any child has to suffer through anything like this... It makes me sick.

Ruka barks and I run my hand down her dirty fur absentmindedly. I wonder where he is now? He saved my life after I blew Sephiroth to smithereens. He saved Shadow from an eternal prison with my soul. I can't thank him enough—but it's all mental, of course. I haven't seen him in a long time.

~2 years ago~

Red. I see red, too. My eyes slide shut and I cough, the smoke that's filling the crater burning my throat.

"Violet!" How cute... Hearing his voice before I go.

"Vi! Where the #$%^ are ya?!" Cid, too, huh? Weird, but okay.

"#$%^... Cid, over here!"

I frown and force one eye open, my world rocking back and forth beneath me. More red. And... blue now? Everything's made of scattered patches of color, some black, some blue, some red.

"Violet..." I'm hoisted into the air, a face nestled in the crook of my neck as my rescuer runs from the crumbling cave. Another man runs at his side. "...You lied."

"I'm sorry," I croak, finally giving in and letting my head loll back as exhaustion consumes me.

When I next wake, I'm not entirely sure where I am. I can make out the smell of oil and something herbal. I open my eyes to see patchy brown curtains drawn tightly and a mug of cold tea sitting on the nightstand alongside a half-full pack of cigarettes. The plain white door is cracked open and I can hear voices downstairs. The clock on the wall tells me that it's nearly midnight. The closet to my left is open, showing my boots on the floor, my cloak hanging up, and my leggings and shirt folded on a bin. A thin layer of dust coats my black pants and I frown. How long has it been? I force my legs to move; they feel stiff as if they can hardly move from staying still.

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