IV) Gold Saucer

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"Huh? Oh, another customer. You sure picked an out of the way place but..." The man shakes his head, shrugging. "But if it's the Keystone you're looking for, you're too late. Don't have it."

"Keystone?" Cloud asks with a frown. This weapon shop really is out of the way, but Cid insisted we visit because it might be a useful stop. The weapons maker pauses, confused.

"What? You didn't come here for that? The Keystone is the key that unlocks the gate to a very old temple somewhere." He steps closer, lowering his voice. "You're not going to believe your ears, but I heard it was the Temple of Ancients!"

"The Temple of..." Cloud repeats. I sigh, watching Vincent from the corner of my eye as he looks around the room, scanning over the weapons that hang on the walls from display cases and hooks. The man chuckles.

"Don't take it seriously, kid, it's just a legend!"

"Where is this Keystone?" Cloud asks, pressing for information.

"Sold it already," the man replies, walking over to a wooden chest across the room and digging through a pile of parts. "Yeah, well, to tell you the truth, I didn't really want to sell it, but... That guy had a way about him that made you feel like it might not be a good idea not to sell it to him."

"Who did you sell it to?"

"The manager of the Gold Saucer." Several faces in the group grow uncomfortable. "Think his name was Dio. Said he was gonna put it in his museum and then took off."

Cloud nods and turns tail, heading out the door. I look over the store and its owner once more before following wordlessly. No one's said a word to me since my transformation, whispering back and forth and either glancing at me or Vincent or both. Come to think of it, Vincent hasn't so much as looked my way since then. Cid's tried lightening the mood about the two of us, but even Cloud looks wary. By the time we drag ourselves through North Corel, the moon has risen high above us and Cid's made a serious attempt at talking to me when no one else will.

"You ain't gonna turn into the freak show at the park, are ya?" he inquires, taking a puff of his cigarette, the glow of its lit end lighting up the dim path to the tram. I opt to ignore him, but the urge to retaliate overcomes and I reply without looking at him.

"Not if you don't bother me." 

"Ya know, ya think you're all tough and intimidating, but you don't scare me. You look too young," Cid chuckles, shaking his head. I scowl at him, irritation flaring up at his sparkling blue eyes.

"I'm older than you," I retort.

"Try me," Cid fires back, tossing his finished smoke on the ground. Aeris eyes it with disapproval, having given up on lecturing the pilot abouthis littering.

"I watched you grow up," I state dryly. With that sentence alone, I have almost everyone's attention immediately. Just for kicks, I continue, a mocking tone infiltrating my voice. "You and your girlfriend—Shera, was it? And your parents, they were good people. Smart. Helped you build all those little contraptions."

"The #$%^?" He raises his eyebrows. "Why'd you do that?"

"There was... someone else I needed to watch over," I answer tentatively, pausing a moment. "But I gave up and watched you instead."

"#$%^," Cid mutters, shoving his hands into his pockets. Townspeople watch us pass by from the openings of their dingy white tents, every bitter glare directing itself toward Barret, who hides his face behind his hunched shoulders. What's his deal? "Look, I know I ain't supposed to ask women this, but you ain't exactly normal. How old are you?" Vincent's eyes flicker over in my direction.

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