XIV) Wrenches and Wretches

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When we crash into the water, I hold back a yelp and clutch Vincent's arm to keep myself from hurtling through the small pod window.

Well, aren't we jumpy.

"I'm gonna get Barret to bring the sub," Cloud mutters, his voice quiet. What's on his mind?

"Barret?" Cid cringes.

"Everyone I trust to drive is in here," the younger blond shrugs. He looks around absently as his phone rests beside his ear.

"You trust me to drive? And since when do we have a sub?" I frown, my nose crinkling. "Gods, Vincent, you stink."

"This is your fault."

"Yeah... Sorry about that."

"Captain," Shera says softly after nearly an hour of silence. A hatch pops up over the water, revealing a submarine. Cid ushers for us to leave so he can talk to the woman beside him. I grin, winking. He rolls his eyes and turns away, his foot tapping on the floor anxiously. I ascend the ladder to the top of the floating pod, catching Vincent's arm when I nearly slip off the slick metal and crash into the water. A small splash is enough to make my body jerk away from the ocean's cool touch. Barret opens the hatch to the sub, chuckling at my reaction.

"What, you the evil Witch of West or somethin'?"

"It's called hydrophobia," I snap, wretching my elbow free from Vincent's grasp. "Ever heard of it?" Barret grumbles about jokes under his breath before disappearing. I'm the first down the ladder and into the submarine. Vincent is close behind, looking around the small, cramped room.

"Hojo?" he asks. I nod.

"Water seemed to be his favorite plan of attack, obviously paired with his kink for electricity."

"Is that why you won't use magic?" Nanaki asks. "It tends to have some zap-like tendencies."

"Not... quite," I sigh, meeting Vincent's eyes. He shakes his head. "David was happy when I started to avoid stuff like that. It's just a habit at this point."

"What kind boyfriend gets mad because you don't want materia?" Yuffie scoffs, crossing her arms.

"Mako addiction," I shrug. Barret scowls and I roll my eyes, crossing my arms. "What? It's not like I shoot the stuff up anymore."

"Um, Vincent?" Yuffie cuts in, frowning at the gunman's clothing. "Did you get sick?"

"Ah... no," I laugh nervously, ducking under Vincent's irritated gaze. "That was me."

"And he hasn't killed you?" Barret gapes. I shrug, nudging Vincent with my shoulder.

"Nah. Vincent wouldn't shoot me. Right?" I beam up at Mr. Joyful's frown. "He's not all that scary."

"Ahem!" Yuffie calls. "I beg to differ!"

"We didn't all know Vamps before he got his bad mood," Barret points out. I scoff.

"He's always had his bad mood."

"Y'all ready to go?" Cid asks, dropping into the sub. "#$%^, you didn't screw her up! Congrats!"

I look around the room and notice that Cloud's gone missing. The sub's hatch shuts and we shudder down into the water. Yuffie groans, grabbing a bucket.

"Not again!" she moans.

I shake my head and start down the narrow corridor, following red lights and metal pipes. The air smells like copper and salt water. As I continue through the sub, I hear voices and draw Shadow's bow upon seeing a trio of men in Shinra uniforms working on something. They stand upright, their guns trained on my forehead. A hand touches my shoulder and I jump, swinging around. My arrow slices a gash across a smooth forehead and I cringe, spotting two bright blue eyes.

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