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(B's house office)


I was happy to hear him say 'I love you' and I was so glad he said it, but right now I was waiting for my right-hand man  Mason to bring me a man that owes me money, just then he shows up.

"Here you go, boss, I got him for you" he then throws him to the floor "he tried to leave the town," Mason says

I get up from my chair and go to him "where's my money, Liam?" I ask

"I was getting your money I just had to leave town to get it," Liam said being scared.

"Now why don't I believe you.....o that's right your 3 months pass do, you know what, boys" they look at me and look ready to do anything I say "go get his son"

"WHAT NO, please I'll get your money just please don't take my son he's all I have left" I see a tear falls.

"Ok, I'll give you a choice, you give me your son and I keep him until you pay me or I kill you and take your son anyway, so choice," I said showing no emotions at all.

"Please don't take my son," Liam says with tears falling.

"Choose or I will" 

"Ok, ok, I choose the first one," Liam said as he lowers his head in shame.

"Good choice, boys go with him and make sure he doesn't try anything funny and if he does shoot him,"

"Yes, boss," Mason says.

As the other boys take Liam away and then I stop them and say "one more thing while he's here with me he belongs to me and he is mine" I chuckle a little.

"He's not yours, he's my son and I'm his dad," Liam says being mad.

"Well then you better hurry the because the longer he stays he will be mine," I said as they take him away and as I go to my desk to get some more work done.

**2 hours later**

My door opens and I see Mason holding the boy, as the boy try's to get out of his grip.

"Put me down," the boy says.

"Put him down Mason, but easy he's only 5," I said as I go to them and Mason puts the boy down but keeps hands on the boy's shoulders, I go down to his level and look at him as I see tears fall down "look, kid, do you know why your here" he shakes his head 'no' "well your here because your daddy owes me a lot of money"

"But what does this have to do with me?" the boy ask.

"Well your daddy had a choice and he chose you because he loves you and I can see that"

"How much money does he owe you?" the boy asks.

"Close to about 5 hundred thousand dollars"

"Wow, that's a lot right?" the boy asks.

I chuckle "yes it is, so why don't you tell me your name," I said.

"Um my name is Noah," the boy says.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Noah, you may leave Mason" he nods and leaves and just leaves and just leaving me and Noah alone "ok Noah I'm Ben but while you are here you'll call me sir understand"

"Um, yes.....sir, how long will I stay here with you?" Noah asks.

"Good boy, you only have to stay here until your daddy can pay me back all the money he owes me" he nods "ok, so why don't you come with me and I'll show you to your room" I take my hand out and he takes it and I lead him to his room "this is your room" I open the door, he gasps.

ME AND MY MAFIA BOYFRIEND ✅Where stories live. Discover now