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I was in bed since it was my day off and I was just too lazy to get up and B was in the shower doing his thing. While I was watching the tv I heard the water turn off and here came B all wet and had a towel wrapped around him and dam he so hot.

"Thanks, babe" B says then winks.

"About what?" I ask confused.

"About me being damn hot"

"How did" I get cut off.

"You said it out loud" I turn red and he laughs and drys off and comes to bed while still being naked and says "get out of bed"

"Why?" I whine, he chuckles.

"Because I want to take you to the hot tub," B says.

"You have a hot tub," I said being surprised.

"Babe I have a lot of things you don't even know about yet" he gets up and comes to my side of the bed "now get up or I'll carry you" I sigh and get up, he then puts me other his shoulder.

"B I got up"

"I know, I just planned on doing this anyway" we start moving and while we moved I felt him rip my boxers off.

"Now why did you do that?" I ask.

"You can't wear them in a hot tub or you'll never relax, trust me I know" I then see stairs as B goes up and after a minute or 2 he stops and I hear him open a door, then he puts me down "babe this hot tub has jets and it vibrates and that will help you relax" he then gets in and takes a remote and I see the jets turn on "come on in babe" B says.

I get in and sat down and as I felt the jets and I was starting to relax.

"This is nice B"

"I know right" I hear him sigh "babe I have to tell you something," B says.

I look at him "what is it?"

"I've been keeping something from you"

"What is it?" I said, "it's not your Mafia business is it?"

He chuckles "god no, I keep that away from you, the less you know the better, but anyway I've been holding back"

"On what?"

"I've been holding back when we have sex"

"No you haven't, you always slam yourself into me and fuck me hard when you are about to release"

"Well yes I know and I love being in you, but its true" I raise my eyebrow "you see I taught myself to not cum"

"Yeah right" I start laughing.

I then see him grin "you want a bet?" B says.

"What kind of bet?" I ask.

"If I can prove it that I'm telling you the truth, then I get to have sex with you endless tell Monday," B says with a grin "and I won't get tired until I release my load, o and the longer I hold it in the bigger it is when I release"

"That's not possible, where the proof?"

"You want proof? Call Jack then"

I start getting mad "ok that's it, I know I'm not Mafia but tell your guys to give me some knives so I can cut off his balls"

He starts laughing "aw babe" he then comes to me and puts on his lap but also puts his dick inside me, I moan "don't worry babe he was my past and you" he kisses my lips "are my future" he then starts to move inside me.

I moan as he starts going a little faster while we were still in the hot tub. After a while, we got out and dried off and went to the bedroom and we went back to having sex.

"I want you to ride me, babe," B says as he kisses me.

"Ok," I said as I moan.

We get into the position and I started to ride him slowly before I knew it he had his hands on my waist and banging into me hard and I mean hard I could hear our skin banging into each other.


It was finally Monday and that means that B will finally release and he'll stop. I was so warned out that I don't even leave the bed. But anyway we were at it again with me on my stomach as B was fucking me again. We had sex for so many times I lost count.

"Get ready babe, here comes my load and your going to feel so full," B says as he was breathing heavy.

Before I could say anything he screams as I felt myself getting full with his load.

"That felt so good to release" he kisses my head and pulls out of me and lays next to me "I love you"

"I love you too B, but you are never........................doing that again," I said as I was moving to get on my back and I was breathing heavy, when I get on my back I saw my stomach "B I look pregnant"

He laughs and says "I told you, you would get full and besides" he then moves closer to me and lays on his side "one day you'll be full with babies in you" he then puts his hand on my stomach. 

"Do you want kids B?" I ask.

He smiles and kisses me "yes I do, one day, but only when your ready to have them"

"How many do you want?"

"Well I was lonely because I had no siblings, so I know I'll want more than 1 so that our kid doesn't feel lonely, what about you babe?" B asks.

"Well I don't know but I have a hunch that since we have sex a lot we will end up with a lot of kids, I just don't know what number we'll have," I said as I laugh at the end.

"I can see us having a lot of kids and them all running around the house with toys everywhere" we laugh "and us telling them to pick them up so no ones get hurt," B says.

"Yeah I can see that happening, I can also see our oldest ones playing in a game room you made for them"

"I can see myself doing that and I see a playroom for the little ones to play in," B says.

"Do you think I'd be a good parent?"

"I think so, I mean I saw you once looking after a child at your work when I was coming to take you out for lunch and you looked happy," B says.

I smile and then lay on his chest and we start falling asleep.

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