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I was getting ready for my big day, yes that's right today is my wedding day, I'm getting married today to my big guy B and I'm nervous and excited at the same time.

Just then there was a knock at the door.

"Come in" the door opens and I see that it's my mom "hi mom"

We hug "you look so handsome honey," she says as tears begin to fall.

"Mom don't cry you'll ruin your makeup" I hand her a tissue.

"Your right" she then cleans up her mess "how are you feeling right now?"

"I'm normal for now"

"No sickness right?" mom asks.


"I wish you would tell him," mom says.

"Actually I am" she raises an eyebrow.

"When?" mom asks.

"At the party" she gets excited.

"I can't wait to see his face when he finds out," mom says.

"Me too and we better go if we don't want to be late to my wedding" I then get a good look at my mom "you look beautiful mom"

"Thanks, honey," mom says.

"Thanks, honey," mom says

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(this is Max's tux)

(this is his mom's dress)

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(this is his mom's dress)

After we were ready we headed to the place where we were having the wedding. 


I was at my house getting ready for my wedding when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in" the door opens and I see Mason and Jack.

"Hey, man are you ready to go?" Jack asks.

Yeah just give me a minute" they nod and leave.

I bet your wonder did Jack find his son and to let you all know that he did, they found his son at an abused home and after they got him out he was happy for the first time in his life. We also asked Jack to come to the wedding and we asked his son if he would be the ring barrier and he said yes and we asked Mason's little girl to be the flower girl and of course, she said yes.

ME AND MY MAFIA BOYFRIEND ✅Where stories live. Discover now