Light 19

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"I was stupid."  Maddox says. He draws his hand down his face and sighs.

"I met her when I was in grade school. I was the typical quiet nerd with the huge glasses and pressed clothes. I don't know how but she spotted me before I spotted her. Apparently, I stood out to her. Her name was Veronica. She befriended me and for once I felt worth it. Back then I always had problems with accepting myself for who and what I was. I always thought I wasn't worth anything and that it would not affect anyone if I were to leave suddenly or die. Anyways, Veronica didn't seem like the girl who would break a boy's heart, especially a nerd I mean come on."

He and I chuckled.

"But after a while I developed a little crush on her. I couldn't help it, you know? She made me feel special. Veronica took the time out of her day to see how I was doing and spent time with me. I always questioned why. I mean hey I was a little good looking and developed a little bit of muscle but I was a pushover. A nerd that everyone picked on. One day I had a huge breakdown. I called Veronica and she came over to my house. My parents weren't there at the time either. Anyways, she comforted me while I was crying. That night she kissed me and also took virginity. Then she became distant. When I would try to contact her or talk to her she would act different and sort of aggravated. So I went to confront her about it but I saw something that broke me to pieces. I was walking through the halls and happened to turn my head to see Veronica. She was with the jock that bullied me the most. I mean this guy used to beat the hell out of me and punk me so much. They were kissing and laughing. I mean it's like they knew each other for a damn while. I heard her say 'He fell for everything! You should've saw the look on his face when he was crying I almost burst out laughing.' And then when she would try to come up to me I'd just back away. I didn't want her near me anymore. I felt so damn betrayed and used! The girl took my fucking virginity and the last bit of dignity I had." He said with a nonchalant shrug. I knew that behind it was the pain he went through.

"So, have you seen her again?" I asked.

"No. And I'm glad I didn't. I hate her. I wish I never met her. I wish I would've kept my damn virginity and waited for my mate but I smitten over her. God, I was so stupid." His hands went gripping his hair.

Now one thing I know is that being in love with someone who isn't good for you doesn't make you stupid. Love makes you blind to the person's faults and flaws. After you fall out of love with them you become of their true colors. I should know...

"You weren't stupid. You were in love. Love makes you blind to the bad things about your partner and also makes you do dumb things but you aren't stupid. You were just a boy in love." I grabbed his hands from his hair and caressed them.

Maddox sighs heavily. "Yeah, I guess so. Now that we are done with that witch, I'd like to show you around for a while before I get to work." He smiled.


"What the fuck is that?!" I screamed pointing towards the woods.

Maddox laughs out loud. "That's a wolf baby!" He said.

That's a big ass dog! What the fu- ok I need to call on Jesus! Lord help me! OH GOD ITS LOOKING AT ME!

I'm going to shit myself! Maddox pulled me away from the woods- well he dragged me- to a huge playground.

"Beta!" The kids yelled.

All of them jumped off the playground and tackled Maddox to the floor giving his hugs and kisses.

That's so cute! Maddox must obviously be really good with kids.

"Beta Maddox?" After getting the kids off of him, Maddox finally got up and stood next to me.

"Yes, little one?" He asks.

"Who is the lady?" The little boy snickered. His cheeks were turning red.

Maddox chuckled. "This is Octavia, my mate. And I'd like if you treat her with kindness." He says with a smile.

I waved at the kids and they giggled while waving. I love the innocence of children. It really is a beautiful thing.

The little boy came up to me and grabbed my hand. Now what I didn't expect was for him to kiss it and wink.

"Hey pretty lady." He tried to smirk but failed.

Ok, lets go.

Maddox forced a smile on his face and backed the kid away. After we both said our goodbyes we went back to the mansion- uh pack house.

"Alright, I'm going to go ahead and leave with James. You can call or text me if you need me to pick up some things for you." He says.

"Ok. Be safe, babe." I say as Maddox kisses my forehead. I watch as he walks out of the door and closes it.

Ugh, now I'm alone. Why the hell do I miss his? He just left the house!

I just shrugged. I left to the kitchen and looked through the cabinets grabbing some snacks.

I'm going to go upstairs and watch tv all day. After ransacking the kitchen I walked into the hallway only to bump into someone.

Fucking hell my snacks fell!

"Oh I'm so sorry! Let me help you." The girl bent down picking up half of the junk food while I got the other.

"Oh, you must me new here right?" The girl asked. Matter of fact she kind of looked the same age as me. She had black hair and beautiful green eyes. Her skin was deeply tanned as well.

"Yes, I am. I just came in last night." I say. She seems friendly too. Maybe I can get along with her since I need some friends here.

"Ahh, well my name is Genesis. I'm with James and you must be with Maddox." She says.

"How did you-"

"Oh, sorry. James and Maddox talk really loud in the office and I overheard." She says.

Damn, and they say women have big mouths.

"Yeah, I'm Maddox's mate as he puts it. So that makes you James's mate then."

"I can help put these snack in your room if you'd like?" She smiles and waits for me to walk in front.

After walking to my room and sitting the food on the bed I asked if she would like to join me. Genesis really does seem like a sweet funny girl but I won't let that fool me. I can tell that she knows just how to handle herself.

"I know just the right movie." Genesis is looking through the list of movies on their X-finity remote thingy that they can talk into.

Oh no ma'am! No I'm not watching this!

"Genesis." I mocked cried. I don't like scary movies. I freaking hate them and then I get nightmares afterwards!

"Ohhh yeah, we're watching the bye bye man."

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