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Elliot = Bold

Jacob = Italics, Underlined

Jacob = Italics, Underlined

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"Hey kid, it's...been a while."

"If by 'a while' you mean six months then yes, dear brother, it has been a while."

"Elliot, I-"

"Why the hell are you calling me Jacob? You've gone six months without a word from any of us. What makes you think we need you more now than we did six months ago, huh?"

"Look, Elliot. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Sorry isn't going to cut it with me right now, buddy."

"Elliot. I didn't mean to leave you alone with mum. I just needed some time to clear my head. What happened...it messed me up. I...needed some time away from it all."

"Yeah, well. That sure would have been nice. I mean, after watching my dad shoot someone it sure would have been nice to just leave and forget it ever happened. That must feel great. Maybe you can tell me about it sometime? You know, you and Noah together because, as you know, I never got the chance to experience that glorious feeling of leaving the youngest, terrified little brother all on his own with a mother who was two seconds away from putting a bullet in her brain."


"Let me guess, you heard about Noah and his great downfall?"


"That's what it takes to get a call from you? Gee, if I had known I would have burned the house down a whole lot sooner."


"Tell me, Jacob, why was its Noah's sudden breakdown that sent you running home again, huh? Me and mum have been suffering for half a year. Half. A. Year. Do you know the number of times I have found her harming herself, Jacob? Can your little lawyer brain process that information? That I had to deal with our suicidal mother by myself while you were in blissful ignorance."


"I don't suppose that it can, you know, judging by the fact that I left you at least twenty voicemails begging you to come home and help sort out the mess you left behind. That is, assuming that you even listened to them."

"Elliot, it's not that I'm-"

"-a complete asshole. That is exactly what you are. A complete and utter asshole, Jacob. But what really, really makes me curious is how it was Noah that brought you back. Noah's little petty disaster as his whole future quite literally went up in flames."

"Elliot. I really think you need to calm down. I get that you're angry but you can't just-"

"Shut the hell up Jacob. Save it for your fancy lawyer cases. But, before I hang up on you in a royally pissed off manner, there's something you should know. Yes, Noah probably just messed up his entire future but guess what, Jacob? You messed up my entire future the moment you walked out the door and left me to deal with all of the messed-up problems this family has on my own."


"Don't even think about calling me back. Actually...no, feel free to call me back. Any time you like. Maybe then you'll know what it's like to be ignored by your brother when you need him the most."


"Go screw yourself Jacob."

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