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Elliot = Bold

Isabella = Italics

Isabella = Italics

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"Sometimes I think it would be a lot easier to just leave everyone voicemails."

"Well hello to you too sunshine, I see you're up bright and early."


"Yeah, sunshine. I did indeed say sunshine, an appropriate nickname if you consider how early you seem to have risen from your slumber, like the sun. If you rise with the sun, you are the sun. Congratulations sunshine, your new nickname is now sunshine."

"I...I...how about we don't do nicknames."

"Why not? You seemed perfectly fine with it when you started labelling me off as 'sarcasm boy'."

"I...I...just not...not sunshine. I...I would just really, really appreciate it if you didn't call me sunshine."

"So, it's a no to sunshine?"

"It's a no to sunshine."

"Well, I guess I'll have to come up with something else then."

"Must you? Do we really have to have nicknames?"

"Yes. Yes, I must. There's absolutely no way we can have a sustainable relationship without nicknames. It just doesn't work that way. Without a nickname a friendship is fruitless. Without spice. Without flavour."

"So that means I have to come up with one for you as well?"

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