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I spent a lot of time coming up with a name for this blog, mainly because I can't imagine that what I'm blogging about will be all that popular

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I spent a lot of time coming up with a name for this blog, mainly because I can't imagine that what I'm blogging about will be all that popular. I see all these blogs about fashion and beauty, and I just think, "what a great way to put yourself out there into the world." But, to keep things short, this is not a fashion blog, because, as much as I enjoy reading them, I feel like the Internet could do with a little dose of something that's important.

So, without further ado, I believe some introductions are in order: My name is Isabella Anderson:   A tall, blonde haired, blue eyed, photography obsessed teenager of the female gender. But, as well as being just as ordinary as you with emotions just like everybody else, I survived a school shooting and this blog is all about my story, my feelings and how I intend to help both myself, and the world, move on from these things in a positive way. Even if it's just on a small scale. Any sort of change I can make from sharing my own experiences would make my survival worth surving for.

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