❝In which two people call up a helpline in order to find someone just as broken as they are. ❞
"Does...does it bother you that my dad's in prison for murder?"
"Well, judging by the fact that I moved away from America to get away from the memory of a...
A/N: The song above is beautiful and suits this chapter perfectly :) It's called Waves by Dean Lewis (the acoustic version). Enjoy!
Elliot = Bold
Isabella = Italics
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"Oh...uh...hey, Isabella."
"Hey. Is there a particular reason that you're calling? I didn't leave anything at your house, did I?"
"No...no. You didn't forget anything. It's...uh...I just...I...um...I overheard that phone conversation you had with your mum this morning and...um...I just wanted to say that-"
"Oh my God, Elliot. You must have gotten the completely wrong idea. I...I was thinking about it at the time but now I've had some time to really think about it and-"
"You should go."
"You should go, Isabella."
"N...no, I...I can't. I...I've got to stay. I...I...you're here and you...you just make me so happy and I...I don't want to leave that behind. I...I just can't. I...I'm not going to leave you behind, Elliot. You...you make me so, so happy and I...I think I make you happy too. I...what's the point in throwing that away? I...we've barely had a chance to test...to test us out. I...I think we could be really great together and that's not...that's not an opportunity that I'm willing to waste."
"Isabella...you talk about opportunities wasted but by staying you waste so many more. You...you miss the opportunity to reconnect with your mum. You miss the opportunity to help with something that you obviously really care about and you can really make a difference. I know you can."
"Elliot, I'm not leaving."
"Yes, you are."
"You can't make my decisions for me, Elliot!"
"Well, I wouldn't have to if you weren't being so bloody stupid about this!"
"Look, this is ridiculous, okay? You need to go. It's pointless staying."
"But I, there's you and-"
"No! No, there isn't me. Don't you get it? We were never going to last anyway. What did you think, that we're magically going to get together and live in fairyland with ponies and happily ever after? Is that what you really think? Well, maybe you should take a little look of reality because I can guarantee, right now, that if you stayed we would be together for maybe a year before we both split off and found someone else. Married other people in years to come. Teen romance doesn't last, we'd get bored of each other and before you know it, bam, you stayed for nothing."
"Elliot, that's not true, I-"
"It is! Why the hell can't you see that, Isabella? We will never last. It just isn't meant to be. I mean, honestly, do you know how many adults are childhood sweethearts? Not many. Not many at all. By leaving now you're just saving yourself from a whole lot of heartbreak down the road."
"But we...we don't have to be like that...I...what I feel for you now...it's...it's so strong and...I...I know we've only gotten together recently but I feel like I've known you my entire life and I...I think I might l-"
"Don't you dare say it. Don't you dare use that as some pathetic excuse to stay."
"It's not an excuse! I mean i-"
"Of course it's an excuse! All of this is an excuse! You wanna know what I think? I just think you're scared, Isabella. I think you're scared to go back and you're just using me as an excuse to stay!"
"I...that's not true."
"So you're not scared to go back?"
"...no. I am, but-"
"And there it is. You know what, Isabella, if you stay then I don't ever want to see you again."
"You heard me."
"Elliot, no, you can't just...I...I need you. I l-"
"I already told you not to say that word! God, Isabella, can't you just get the hint already? I want you to go, so just go, because you're going to lose me either way."
"Elliot, please, j-"
"Just go, Isabella. It's what's best for you and you know it."