8: A S i l l y F e u d?

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[PREVIOUSLY: Octavia, Clarke, Finn, Monty, Dustin and Bryce are forced to leave a screaming Jasper behind as they rush back to warn the others at the drop-ship: they are not alone

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[PREVIOUSLY: Octavia, Clarke, Finn, Monty, Dustin and Bryce are forced to leave a screaming Jasper behind as they rush back to warn the others at the drop-ship: they are not alone. A battle of egos issues between Bellamy and Clarke who both have differing views about the wristbands everyone is wearing. In the meanwhile, Finn invites Octavia to go back and help him search for Jasper with Dustin and Bryce].

The soft notes from a sorrowful melody leave my lips in a hum as I step out of the drop-ship door and plop myself down on the sweet hillside grass. I lean back against the cooling metal of the contraption and sigh.

Already, people were starting to work and live together. The drop-ship had been looked over, stabilised, and was now being occupied as storage for our food and weapons. Campfires had been set up nearby and long bamboo poles and old canvas coverings were being used to construct tents and temporary shelters.

At any other time I would be in such ecstasy to be on Earth, alive and well, that I'd probably spend all day laughing, singing and dancing. But finding out that there were others besides us here didn't bode very well. Who knew how many of them were out there? A couple hundred? A couple thousand? Either way, I had to disagree with my brother on one thing: we didn't have a chance again them.

"You're looking a little down, Princess," Finn sang out as he leaped from the drop-ship door and settled himself down beside me.

"Jasper's in trouble, we're being watched by grounders and my brother and Clarke are wasting time over a silly feud," I snapped back, rolling my eyes. "Now is no time to joke around, Finn."

"Wow, you must be upset," Finn murmured. "You haven't called me by my actual name until now."

I shifted around to face him. "What do you think?" I asked him scornfully. "Jasper was my friend!"

"You knew him for about three hours, Octavia," Finn pointed out.

"So what? You have a point?" I demanded. Turning away from him, I heaved a deep breath and muttered, "Sorry."


"Yeah. I - I'm just worried about him, Finn, that's all."

"Hey," Finn placed a comforting hand on my shoulder as he tried to reassure me. "It's okay to be scared, Princess. I'm scared. Bellamy's scared. We all are. Some of us just hide it better than others, that's all."

I guffawed. "I find that hard to believe."

"Oi, you two ready?"

Both Finn and I lifted our heads to see Dustin and Bryce approaching us.

"Yeah," I nodded as I scrambled to my feet and snatched up the pack that was lying near me. "C'mon, Spacewalker, we haven't got all day."

Finn smirked as he, too, shouldered his pack. "Okay, let's go before someone tries to stop us."

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