45: L e x a k o m T r i k r u

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[PREVIOUSLY: Octavia arrives in TonDC moments before a ferocious storm hits

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[PREVIOUSLY: Octavia arrives in TonDC moments before a ferocious storm hits. She doesn't even have a chance to relay her message to Heda before she is tackled down by Indra and dragged to the grounder dungeons].


Surprised at the sudden metallic sound, I glanced up from my miserly meal of blackened bread. I stared expectantly towards the prison doors as a squad of armed grounders, headed by Indra, walked briskly down the dirt hallway.

"Wan daun!" Indra called out authoritatively, holding up her hand and motioning for the warriors behind her to stop.

As they obediently fell back, Indra advanced towards my cell door. Reaching down, she slid the heavy bolt from place and pushed the barred frame back so she could enter. As she started towards me, I slowly hauled myself to my feet, my eyes never leaving hers.

Soon, Indra was standing right in front of me, her tall figure towering over my head.

I gulped. "W-what happened? Is Anya alright?"

"It's Heda to you," Indra hissed as she unsheathed her sword from the belt on her side.

My eyes widened in horror as I caught a glimpse of the flashing silver. "No ... please," I started to protest.


Indra's sword severed straight through the chains holding my wrists to the earthen wall. The heavy metal coils dropped upon the floor.

I stared up at Indra in shock. "W-what ...?"

"You have saved Heda's life," Indra stated with a deadly calm. "The assassination was attempted just outside of TonDC. The perpetuators were immediately dealt with. Even still, you have done us a favour; now Heda wishes to give you one."

A small smile found it's way to my lips.

"You are to be given a special VIP tour around the village of TonDC and introduced to some of our most important and ferocious warriors," Indra continued, her voice rough and gravelly. "Then, you shall meet with Heda. She has postponed her trip because of the attempted assassination and wants to speak with you personally. You are allowed to stay within this vicinity until our warriors go back to Polis."

I resisted the urge to laugh and dance around with glee. I had done it. I had finally broken through to the grounders. "Thank you!" I breathed.

"Humph. If it were up to me, I would never condone, none the less, suggest such a thing," Indra scoffed as she gazed disgustedly at me. "You're still one of the enemy and that will never change. But, rest assured, I will be watching you the entire time so don't even think about trying anything!"

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