44: M y s t e r y H o r s e

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[PREVIOUSLY: Octavia runs into Aidan who warns her of a plot to assassinate Anya on her way to Polis

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[PREVIOUSLY: Octavia runs into Aidan who warns her of a plot to assassinate Anya on her way to Polis. Rejected by his own people for his betrayal in saving Octavia's life, Aidan urges her to do what he cannot: warn Trikru].

Thin tree branches whip by my face, cutting cruelly through my skin. Dead sticks and sharpened thorns reach out and graze my legs, my knees, trying to inflict pain, trying to slow me down. The roar of the cold icy wind howl through the tips of the trees, muffling my hearing and numbing my senses. My fingers, interlaced in the horse's matted mane, are so cold I can no longer feel them. I barely even know if I'm still sitting on the steed's broad back or not. I close my eyes and swallow hard, wetting my raw, dry throat, as my mind wanders back over the last couple of hours ...

"How much longer?" I urged impatiently, tapping my foot against the dirt floor and casting worried glances over my shoulder. "If Bellamy finds out I'm here ..."

"I'm done!" Aidan cut me short as he quickly straightened up, a fringe of thick, dark hair falling over his forehead in the process. "Here," he leaned forward and shoved a crumpled piece of paper into my hand, "These are the directions to TonDC. If you hurry, you'll make it there before they leave."

"And when is that, pray tell?" I raised my eyebrows as I pocketed the paper without giving it a second glance.

Aidan furrowed his brow, his hazel eyes snapping with anger and worry. "You're gonna want to take a look at that before you leave," he told me blatantly, pointing at my back pocket. "You have two and a half hours."

"W-what?" I whisper-shrieked. "That's insane! I'll never get there on time!"

"Not on foot, you won't," Aidan smirked as he brought his fingers up to his lips. He let out a low, alluring whistle that pierced through the chilly afternoon air.

As if in answer to his call, a short whinny resounded from nearby and the crackling of twigs underfoot indicated that someone, or rather, something, was approaching us.

I stepped back and glanced around uneasily, my hand straying to the tip of my sword.

"I wouldn't if I were you," Aidan shot out, seeing that I was about to withdraw the blade. "He doesn't fancy being told what to do."

"Huh. Like someone else I know," I muttered underneath my breath.

However, as quiet as I had been in my statement, Aidan still heard it. He snapped his head up and sent me a withering stare.


Something brown and white came into view, something large and muscular, something that looked very much like ...

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