51: O u t b r e a k

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[PREVIOUSLY: Raven, on a sudden urge of instinct, takes the bomb and leaves camp

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[PREVIOUSLY: Raven, on a sudden urge of instinct, takes the bomb and leaves camp. Octavia, Finn and Jasper go after her, only to find her collapsed in the middle of the bridge. Finn risks his life to save the one he loves and Octavia is forced to choose between her people and the grounders as her finger hovers over the trigger of her gun].

I took a deep breath and pulled the trigger.


I missed.

On the other side of the bridge, where the grounder warriors where marching rapidly upon us, I saw the looks of surprise and horror that flashed across the faces of Indra, Anya and Lexa when they heard the shot. The three women, seated atop their horses, were in the lead of the massive army threatening to swamp us. With one quick movement, Anya tugged on her reins and forced her horse to stop. She put up her arm, indicating that the others behind her were to follow her example.

For a moment, all was still, as Anya's steely brown eyes settled on me and my lone figure situated in the forest clearing.

"Octavia!" Finn shouted. "Octavia, what are you doing? Shoot the damn bomb!"

I swallowed hard and shook my head as I lowered the weapon. "I - I can't ..." I choked out.

"Hey, you got this!" Finn tried to assure me from where he, Raven and Jasper were hiding behind a nearby clump of bushes.

Once again, I settled my gaze on the figures of Lexa, Anya and Indra. They were all brave, strong women and true leaders of their clan. But me? I felt like a sacred floppy rag doll that couldn't even lift the weight of a rifle.

"Octavia, didn't you hear me say that you've got this? Take the shot," Finn spoke up loudly, his voice laced with urgency and worry.

I kept my eyes fixated on Anya, Lexa and Indra. The latter was waving her hands about and barking orders to the troops behind her. Anya, her form authoritative and poised, was motioning for everyone to back up. Lexa, her hand on the hilt of her sword, just sat there and stared at me, her eyes wide and sad.

My gaze swept over the woods opposite me. There was not a doubt in my mind that they were crawling with massive, burly warriors, armed with weapons and thirsty for blood.

Then, I remembered.


If I didn't shoot this bomb, if I didn't take action now, I wouldn't be able to protect him from the onslaught of grounders. There was no way he would leave everyone behind to die. He would stay and fight until his last breath ... He was all I had left in this cold, cruel world. I couldn't let that happen to him.

Finn's words of assurance echoed through my mind as I, once again, raised the rifle. Peering through the scope, I settled my line of sight straight on the crate. I didn't waver. I didn't look back at the sorrowful face of Lexa or the enraged one of Anya, I just gritted my teeth and slammed my finger over the trigger.


The bullet flew straight and true. The moment the metal pierced the crate, a deafening BOOM shattered the air. A massive wall of fire, accompanied by a billowing, suffocating cloud of black smoke ripped through the bridge right in front of me. The force of the explosion threw me backwards, knocking me flat against the floor. As I lay there, my breaths coming out in uneven, ragged pants, I felt something hot sear through my skin. I let out a startled shriek as I rolled over. I had to get away from the bridge; the heat from the flames was scorching the edges of my hair and fraying my clothes.

Gasping and spluttering, I forced my body to keep up the 'rolling' momentum. I pushed myself up to the edge of the clearing and, with great difficulty, dragged my body into the safety of the thick underbrush encompassing the forest trees.

I dropped limply to the ground, wheezing and puffing as I tried to gulp down some mouthfuls of fresh air. My taunt muscles became weak and useless. Dark spots began to dance in my vision and my eyes started to close.


Someone was calling my name. Somewhere, in the hazy fog that had descended upon me, I heard a voice. It seemed to pierce through the darkness that was enclosing around me and jerk me back into the present.

"Octavia! Oh my god, Octavia!"

Finn was kneeling down next to me. Finn was running his hands along my arms and back, checking for injuries. Finn was lifting me up and hauling me over his shoulder. Finn was carrying me away ... far, far away ...

The next thing I knew, I was sprawled across an uncomfortable pile of canvases in a darkened corner of the drop-ship. A few thin blankets had been piled on top of me and a glass, topped with water, sat by my head.

With a startled gasp, I sat straight up, my eyes darting wildly around the room.

"Wow, geez, relax," a twisted, masculine voice piped up from next to me. "You're safe now."

I turned my head and glared, annoyed, at Murphy, who was sitting lazily in a chair next to my bed. "What the hell are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in isolation?"

Murphy let out a guffaw. "Yeah. Right. About that ... everyone's sick and they need my help to make the rounds."

"Sick? What do you mean?"

Murphy raised his eyebrows. "I don't know how else to spell that out for you, Octavia, but everyone else is s-i-c-k. They all got the virus ... well, most of em did, anyhow. The only ones who don't seem affected are you and Finn, which is weird, but, what can you say?"

"Bellamy?" I demanded as I straightened up and ran my fingers through my matted brown hair.

"He's fine," Murphy shot out dryly, picking at the edge of his shirt. "Getting over the worst of it, but fine."

"And you? How are you well?"

"I got better ... genius, right?" Murphy rolled his eyes as he stood up and stepped over my bed on his way out the door.

"Wait!" I called out as I scrambled to my feet. I winced in pain and a hand flew to my side. "Ouch."

"Jeepers, calm down, Octavia," Murphy paused and turned around to frown at me. "Don't get up. You've got some bad burns on your back from the explosion. Clarke says you have to rest."

I shook my head as I persisted, "The grounders! Did they ..."

"They're gone," Murphy shrugged. "You did your job. You blew the bridge. They've gone back to wherever the hell they came from. Don't know how long it'll last but it'll be good while it does."

I nodded. "I just hope everyone gets over this virus before the grounders start planning another attack."

Murphy grunted in amusement. "Don't get too ahead of yourself there, Octavia. I have no doubt in my mind that they're devising some sort of bloody revenge plan as we speak. But, don't worry, aren't you on good terms with them or something? They'll probably spare your life ... and then torture you, you know, for blowing the bridge and all that crap."

I scowled. "Get outta my face and shut your trap, you ol' dirtbag."

Murphy smirked and gave me a mock bow. "With pleasure, madam."

He turned and walked out of the drop-ship, his head held high and his attitude switched onto arrogant mode.

I let out a low groan as I sank back onto my bed and buried my face in my hands.

We had stopped the grounders - this time - but for how long?

Gif: Octavia as she wakes up in the drop-ship.


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