43: A M a t t e r o f T r u s t

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[PREVIOUSLY: Octavia, Finn, Raven, Bellamy and Clarke trek to the location of the exodus-ship crash where they see a truly horrifying sight

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[PREVIOUSLY: Octavia, Finn, Raven, Bellamy and Clarke trek to the location of the exodus-ship crash where they see a truly horrifying sight. On their return, Octavia becomes distracted and wanders away from camp. She is tackled down by someone - someone who sounds very much like Aidan].

"A-Aidan?" I sputtered out as his calloused fingers loosened their hold around my mouth. "W-what ... ?"

"Just promise me that if I let you go, you won't scream for help," he hissed in my ear.

I hesitated a moment before slowly nodding my head. "Fine," I growled. "I won't."


Aidan released me and rolled over onto his side, trying to catch his breath. "Geez. You're a handful."

I spun around to face him, eyes sparking with anger and fists clenched with rage. "What the hell was that?" I demanded. "I thought you were trying to kill me!"

"If I had wanted to hurt you, I would have," Aidan raised his eyebrows pointedly at me as he pulled himself up into a sitting position.

"I ... don't ... care," I spat out through gritted teeth. "What do you want?"

"That's a nice way to thank me for saving your life," he scoffed sardonically.

I paused. "W-why did you?"

For a moment, Aidan didn't reply, he just drew his knees up to his chin and wrapped his arms around his legs. "To be honest, I don't know. But, what I do know is that you're different from the others and right now? Your people need you."

I furrowed my brow as I gazed quizzically at him. "W-what do you mean?"

"Heda is calling the twelve Trikru clans together for a meeting in Polis," Aidan explained in a low tone. "That's the capitol of Trikru territory. All the ambassadors sent to represent each clan will vote whether or not to attack Skikru and let me assure you, every single one of them will say yes."

"Why are you telling me this?" I queried, reaching forward to grab his upper arm. As my fingers closed around his skin, I felt his muscles stiffen from the sudden contact.

Aidan cast me an annoyed glare as he snapped back, "I - I ... that is - Trikru needs your help."

"And why would I help you?" I scoffed. "You and Lincoln abandoned me in TonDC after I saved your blooming lives from my brother!"

Aidan shook his head. "I returned the favour at the bridge. Our debt is cleared."

"So that's what it was?" I repeated incredulously. "A favour?"

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