37: T h e C r o s s r o a d s

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[PREVIOUSLY: Dustin and Bryce rescue Octavia and Murphy from the woods

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[PREVIOUSLY: Dustin and Bryce rescue Octavia and Murphy from the woods. Octavia confronts Clarke and Bellamy returns to help his sister in her fight for justice].

"Ark station, come in, this is Bellamy Blake ... Ark station, come in, can anyone hear me?"

Bellamy sat hunched over the crackling radio, jiggling his knees nervously. He passed a hand over his sweating brow and heaved a deep sigh.

I leaned over to place a soothing hand on his leg. "It's okay not to be okay, Bell," I assured him. "But if Chancellor Jaha is the only one that can bring the rest of the Ark, including the reinforcements that we need, down to the ground, then he needs to know what you're about to tell him. You can do this."

Bellamy nodded and sent me a quick smile as he tried again. "Ark station, please, come in, over," he pleaded, holding the receiver against his mouth.

"This is an unidentified signal transmission. Who is this? Sinclair here. Over."

I flashed my brother a wide grin and nodded encouragingly at him.

"Sinclair? This is Bellamy Blake," my brother returned. "I need to speak to Chancellor Jaha stat, I repeat, I need to speak to Chancellor Jaha. Over."

"Bellamy, we're patching you through to the chancellor's office now," Sinclair replied gruffly. "Please wait a moment."

Bellamy lowered the radio as he glanced around quickly. Then, he turned to me. "If Commander Shumway finds out ..."

"Bellamy. This is Chancellor Jaha," a gravelly voice crackled through the headset, cutting him off mid-sentence.

Bellamy heaved a deep breath as he began, "Uh ... Chancellor Jaha. Hello."

"What do you want, Bellamy? The last time I saw you, you tried to kill me and you would have too if it weren't for Abby."

"I know, sir, and I'm sorry, truly, I am," Bellamy's words stumbled over themselves. "B-but this is a bit more serious than that."

"What do you mean?"

"Chancellor Jaha, sir, your life is in danger."

"How do you know this?"

"I ..." Bellamy hesitated before drawing a deep breath and continuing, "In order to get on that drop-ship, I had to do something for someone, something really bad. That something was killing you and that someone was Commander Shumway."

For a moment, only the crackling static of the radio's signal met Bellamy's announcement. Then, Chancellor Jaha spoke up, "Commander Shumway was the person behind this treason?"

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