55: T w i s t o f F a t e

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[PREVIOUSLY: Raven, Monty, Jasper, Finn, Bryce and Octavia race against time to save Bellamy from Murphy's clutches

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[PREVIOUSLY: Raven, Monty, Jasper, Finn, Bryce and Octavia race against time to save Bellamy from Murphy's clutches. Raven puts her mechanical skills to use and Octavia faces one of her greatest fears. However, as the drop-ship door finally opens and Octavia rushes inside, she's met with a truly horrifying sight].

There, right in front of my eyes, was my big brother, his body dangling helplessly from a rope that had been strung up in the middle of the room!

"B-Bell!" I choked out.

Bellamy's feet were a good metre and a half above the ground. His hands were hanging limply by his sides. His eyes were glazed over and his mouth desperately flickered open and closed. A thick coil of rope was bound around his neck, causing the veins in his head to pop out in protest at the lack of oxygen, while the other end of the rope was wrapped tightly around a beam lining the roof.

"Quick! Get him down!" Jasper screamed as he tumbled inside after me.

His words of urgency pierced the horrified haze settling upon my heart. Gripping the hilt of my sword tightly in the palm of my right hand, I spun around on my heel and threw the blade towards the rope above Bellamy's head.

The sharpened steel sliced neatly through the numerous strands of wax binding the rope together before imbedding itself in the far wall.

Bellamy dropped to the ground, huffing and heaving, coughing and spluttering. His hands flew to the rope around his throat and his fingers tugged desperately against it.

"Hang on, Bell!" I cried as I rushed over and dropped to my knees beside him. I seized the rope that was tightening around his throat and pulled on it but it refused to budge.

"Bryce! Bryce!" I screamed. "Get over here! Hurry!"

Bryce, with Finn on his heels, ran through the doorway and scurried hastily towards me.

"Your knife! I need your knife!" I shouted.

Bryce flicked his blade up and shoved it into my hand. Snatching it off of him, I stabbed it down towards Bellamy's throat. With a heave, I sliced the knife straight through the rope.


Gasping, I sat back on my heels, the knife slipping from my fingers and clattering to the floor.

"Breathe, Bellamy, breathe!" Jasper urged as he placed two hands on my brother's chest. "C'mon."

I lurched forward and cradled Bellamy's head in my hands. "You can do it, Bell, you can do it."

Bellamy's deep brown eyes bore into my emerald ones as he drew a strangled breath, then another one and another one.

Tears of relief filled my eyes as I smiled down at Bellamy, "You're okay. You're okay."

"Raven, he's fine!" Jasper shouted out, knocking his knuckles against the floor to make his point known.

"Where's Murphy?" Finn piped up.

We all exchanged concerned and angry glances.

Where was he?

A loud crash resounded throughout the drop-ship and we all whipped our heads around in the direction of the noise.

Murphy, who had been hiding behind the door-way until the coast was clear, had suddenly taken off, tipping over a pile of crates stacked with supplies in the process.

"Murphy!" I screamed as I leaped to my feet. "Murphy! You're done!"

"Octavia, wait!" Finn tried to grab my arm but he wasn't fast enough.

As quick as lightning, I was out of that drop-ship and sprinting furiously across the camp. Murphy was making a beeline straight for the front gates. If I could catch him before he opened them ... well, let's just say ... He would be wishing he was back in those grounder dungeons!

"Murphy, you son of a bitch, you're dead!" I bellowed as I pushed my legs to go even faster.

"Huh, you wanna bet?" Murphy sneered, abruptly whirling around and levelled his gun at me.

My eyes widened in surprise as I hurriedly skidded to a halt. "Whoa. Geez."

"Don't pull that crap on me!" he growled. "I may not have been able to kill Bellamy but I can do the next best thing: kill you. You're Bellamy's weak spot. With you gone, he'll be vulnerable and absolutely useless in this ridiculous leadership game. Maybe, when Clarke gets better, she'll fill his spot. Guess he never had much of a chance against her anyway, did he? Bellamy's a piece of trash anyway and you know what you do with trash? You throw it away."

"Bastard!" I spat through gritted teeth.

"You know, I'm kinda torn up about this," Murphy scoffed. "You and I were getting kinda close. Oh well. You should've just left Conner alone ... You wouldn't have had to know about it. But now? There's only one way this is gonna end. Say goodbye to Earth, Princess."

Before I had any time to react, however, the familiar whistle of an arrow cut through the air.


"Urghhh!" Murphy screamed, dropping his gun as his knees buckled beneath him.

My mouth fell open in shock as I stared at him.

The head of an arrow was buried in the back of Murphy's shoulder!

I used this opportunity to lunge forward and kick Murphy's weapon out of his reach. Murphy saw me coming and staggered up against the gate behind him. With a loud grunt, he pushed down on the lever to open it.

"Stay ... away ... from ... me!" he spat as he tottered out of the camp walls. Clutching his shoulder and cursing under his breath, Murphy made a mad dash down the hill and dove into the sheltered darkness of the forest.

I stepped outside of the gate and stared after his lone figure as it stumbled weakly through the trees. I knew the grounders would finish him off sooner or later. If only he hadn't crossed the line of no return ...

With a deep sigh, I tilted my head back and scanned the trees towering above me, my mind swimming with the wondering thought:

Where had the arrow come from?


I jumped in surprise as I spun around, my eyes darting this way and that. "W-who is it?" I stammered, although, deep down, I knew who it was.

For a moment, all I could hear was the sound of the wind whistling through the tips of the tall evergreens. Then, the crunching noise of footsteps echoed through the air. I ventured forth a little more, squinting into the darkening shadows of the forest from which the sound had come.


"Hello Octavia."

I jerked back a little, watching, with baited breath, as a warrior, clad with a sword and a quiver of arrows, stepped out from amongst the trees.

I swallowed hard as I realised who it was.


Gif: Octavia as she bends over Bellamy.


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