13: N o L o n g e r M y B r o t h e r

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[PREVIOUSLY: Octavia voices her concerns about Bellamy to Finn

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[PREVIOUSLY: Octavia voices her concerns about Bellamy to Finn. Furthermore, things come to a one-on-one with Clarke once she professes her feelings for Finn. A flame of jealousy sparks up between Clarke and Octavia when Finn finally makes his decision and shares a passionate kiss with the girl-under-the-floor].


The dead dry leaves crumpled up beneath my scuffed boots as I walked, slowly, through the outskirts of our camp.

It'd been three days since our landing and Bellamy and Clarke had gotten no closer to making a decision about the future.

Were we to stay at the drop-ship or travel to Mount Weather?

Everyone had mixed opinions on the matter. Some of us wanted to stay within the comforts of peace and safety, but others took a more practical side, knowing that if we continued on as if nothing were wrong, we'd surely starve to death. Maybe the grounders were waiting, waiting for us to become weak and helpless, before swooping in to attack us. Who knew what they were planning? And in the meanwhile? We were all acting like defenceless, lovesick puppies.

"Strong group of fighters we are!" I muttered under my breath, angrily kicking out at the dirt near my shoe.

"Whoa, Princess, why so glum?"

At the sound of that merry, masculine voice I couldn't help but smile as I turned around to face the speaker. "Spacewalker. Well, well, well, imagine seeing you here? I thought you'd gone on a search party for food?"

"I did ..." Finn's voice trailed off as he stepped forward and wrapped both arms around my waist.

"But?" I prompted him, laying my forehead on his and slipping my arms around his neck. "Spacewalker?"

"T-there is no food, Princess," he whispered. "None of the search parties have come back with anything for days ..."

I sighed. "We only have enough supplies to last us four more days. What do we do then?"

"I don't know. It's not our decision."

"It's not? Let's be honest, Finn, Clarke and Bellamy make pretty crap leaders. They're doing nothing, absolutely nothing!"

"You don't know that."

"Finn?" I arched my eyebrows as I gazed pointedly at him. "You know it. I know it. We all know it. So don't act dumb."

Finn smirked as he leaned in to give me a quick peck on the lips. "And why would I do that?"


An urgent cry snapped us both out of our dreamy reveries. Quickly, we untangled ourselves from each other and whirled around in the direction of the voice.

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