29: S t o r m C l o u d s

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[PREVIOUSLY: Raven comes up with a complicated plan for contacting the Ark, but she has a deadline of one hour to accomplish it successfully

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[PREVIOUSLY: Raven comes up with a complicated plan for contacting the Ark, but she has a deadline of one hour to accomplish it successfully. Octavia puts her life on the line when she agrees to be Raven's guinea-pig and a storm blows in from the west, forcing everyone to find shelter inside the drop-ship].

"We need to speak to Doctor Abby Griffin ... now."

"Hang on, Raven, we're trying to boost your signal," a deep voice crackled from the other end of the line.

"S-Sinclair?" she whispered. "Sinclair, is that you?"

"Get her off the Ark-wide channel. This room only. Copy?" Sinclair's voice rumbled through the speakers.

"Yes!" Raven slammed her hands down on the table top. "Oh my god! It is him! It is Sinclair!"

"W-who on earth is Sinclair?" I grumbled as I allowed Bellamy to help me sit up.

"Sinclair is one of the top mechanics on the Ark," Bellamy softly explained as he removed the wires from my chest and arms. "I think Raven used to work with him before she came down here."

"Oh," I nodded, indicating that I had understood.

"Did you confirm the signal's origin?" another voice boomed through the radio and into the air.

I glanced over at Bellamy and heaved a deep breath.

It was Chancellor Jaha.

"Yes sir," Sinclair responded. "It's coming from Earth."

"Raven. Are you there? Can you hear me?" another voice, this one gentle and feminine, resounded throughout the room.

"Abby?" Raven murmured. She turned around and looked at Clarke. "It's your mum."

Clarke leaped forward and took the radio from Raven's hands. She lifted it to her mouth and whispered, "Mum? Mum, it's me."

"Clarke?" Abby's incredulous tone replied.

"Mum, I need your help," Clarke quickly explained. "One of our people was stabbed by a grounder."

A moment of silence issued from the other end of the line.

"Clarke, this is the Chancellor," Jaha's voice broke through the stillness. "Are you saying there are survivors on the ground?"

"Yes," Clarke affirmed. "The earth is survivable. We're not alone."

When no one responded to her statement, Clarke spoke again, a tearful tremble in her voice, "Mum ... he's dying. The knife's still in his chest."

"Okay, can you patch me through to medical?" Abby questioned.

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