Did You Miss Me?

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I jumped off my bike, and ran to where I saw the flash of a white dress, it was barely entering the woods behind the huge mansion. I heard another scream, someone crying out for help, the sound cut off abruptly.
Archie rushed outside Thornhill, followed closely by Betty, Eva, and Veronica. And a girl with short curly hair that I didn't know, she was wearing cat ears for some bizarre reason I didn't know.
"Where's my cousin?" The girl I only knew from Jughead's stories, the girl with blonde hair and green eyes asked me.
"Who... is your cousin?" I have never talked to this girl before in my life, I don't think I would ever know who the hell her cousin is. The beautiful blonde girl rolled her eyes at me and looked mad.
"She's about my height, long red hair, her brother just died, you just spent seven minutes with her in her bedroom, you know and then you were staring at her for maybe the past... two hours or so?" She gave me a smile that said, oh honey you can't hide anything from me. Jughead once told me her parents were news reports and like to snoop in other people's business. I gathered that probably means she has a lot of practice in being observant.
"Why does she always have to choose the squirmy ones?" I heard someone groan. No... it can't be... No. I thought to myself. But what if it is?
"Did anyone else hear that?" Eva shot me a look, then glanced at Veronica from the corner of her eye. I didn't know if I wanted to be right, or if I wanted to be proven wrong. All I knew was that I had to find Cheryl. I took off running to where I thought I heard the voice. Eva easily caught up to me.
"Does your girlfriend know?" She asked, barely breaking her stride, hardly loosing her breath. She was a runner, this was unfair, I can't run at full speed and talk at the same time.
"Does my girlfriend know about what, Eva?" Eva gave me a look that said universally, oh you know what I'm talking about. I was regretting not riding my motorcycle, it would have been a hell of a lot easier than running. But then we would loose the element of suprise.
"Does your girlfriend know about your crazy stalker ex who still occasionally sneaks into your house when you're not there just because she misses you and then proceeds to sleep in your bed? I don't know I feel like if I was your girlfriend I would kind of want to know stuff like that." She gave me a knowing look. Damn, how is she in such good shape that she can make sentences like that while we're sprinting? I'm going down soon. I think I'm dehydrated. Maybe its shock. Maybe I really don't want to be right.
"No. Veronica doesn't know about my crazy stalker ex. And I didn't know that she sneaks into my house. Thanks for the heads up Eva." She rolled her eyes at me. As if I should have known. I heard whimpers, I followed the sound to where I found two girls.
Oh, shit.
One girl had short brown hair, barely to her shoulders, green eyes, annoyance etched into every feature of her face and the other with long curled red hair, wearing a white dress, tied and gagged, looking terrified.
"Delilah... What are you doing?" The girl with short brown hair looked up at me, and I saw her eyes glimmer.
"Toni... I've missed you.

"Did you miss me?" She gave me a sad smile and then proceeded to point a gun to Cheryl's head, with her finger on the trigger.

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