Saturday Sleepover pt 1

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Saturday could not have come any slower, the thought of Veronica never left my mind. When I did see her or pass her in the halls, I couldn't speak, my mind would fill with gibberish, and my stomach with butterflies. Sometimes, when she had a couple of minutes to spare she would walk me to class. Once Saturday did come, I had found a slip of paper with her address in my locker the day before. I walked into the Pembrooke, and suddenly there was a man standing in front of me. From reflex, I grabbed my switchblade inside my back pocket, ready for a fight. If he moved any closer, I would make my own decision to fight him, especially since he didn't seem the kind of person who hugs random strangers. He looked me up and down, sizing me up, it wasn't that hard, there's not much to size up. Most likely he decided that I wasn't much of a threat. I don't know what I was expecting while I thought of the moment I walked into Veronica's living space, but I know it wasn't to be attacked automatically. The man stepped back behind the desk and put the phone to his ear. He whispered into the phone, words I hoped weren't, there is a southside serpent here... should I kill it? I heard that there was a man here who didn't care much for us serpents. The man put the phone down and gave me a look.
"Ms. Lodge will be here shortly." I guess I have become a girl who thinks everything is a threat. Its been... interesting since my ex... that wasn't really an experience that made you trusting of everyone. Once Veronica came out of the elevator, she smiled at me. Her smile filled my cheeks with heat and turned my stomach to mush simultaniously.
"Andre! You could have told me it was only Toni, I thought you wanted me to escort one of Daddy's friends upstairs." She turned to look at the man behind the desk. He merely shrugged at her.
"I didn't think your father would be to happy to hear me tell you, you had a... girl...friend waiting here." my cheeks seemed to climb in temperature, which I didn't think was possible until it happened.
"Oh well, come on Toni Topaz." Veronica turned around and started towards the elevator. When she looked behind her to see if I was following, she noticed she was the only one moving. I was weary of turning my back towards... Andre. Veronica strode towards me, grabbed my hand, and dragged me to the elevator. I tried to hold myself from glancing at Andre, to make sure he wasn't pointing a gun at me. I held myself back enough to only glance at him twice. He didn't seem to be scheming or aiming at me with any weaponry, he was just smiling. He was smiling, as if he was happy that Veronica was happy and laughing, even if it was because of me.
"Mi casa es su casa." Veronica entered a room that looked like the color purple walked in and barfed everywhere except on the white bedspread. She twirled around and fell on the bed. She flipped over so that she would be lying on her stomach. She pat the spot on the bed next to her, beckoning me to sit with her. I hesitantly sat on the bed next to the raven haired girl, who seemed to worry those around her.
"So.. what should we do?" She turned over to face me, her right arm draped elegantly over her stomach, her left hand touching my leg. She looked up at me, and I wondered, what would happen if I just... kissed her... right... here? When I didn't answer her question, she pulled out a remote and turned on the TV in her room.
"What do you think of rom coms?" When I was at a loss for words she turned and gave me her full attention.
"Please tell me you've seen at least one rom com before." I couldn't tell her that.
"So you haven't been corrupted yet... Well at least you'll be corrupted correctly now. Would you like me to corrupt you?" I couldn't tell if she meant corrupting my taste in movies or... something more.

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