Hello Sweetie

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this is dedicated to @Citycowgirl101, she had her first day of school today. 

"Delilah, Delilah, please," I paused, how was I going to get her to lower the gun? What was I going to say? I stopped before my voice cracked.

"Delilah, I'll go home with you, okay?" I looked at her, she had her eyes trained on Cheryl, who was about to cry. she looked as if she was trying to shoot daggers in to Cheryl's skull.

"Is that what you want?" Delilah nodded her head, I could see her about to give up. I could see her about to collapse. She had to get home, I still remember where she lives, she's called me over too many times to forget. I started to slowly walk over to her. Once I was behind her, I put my arms around her. She sagged into me, Cheryl's okay, thats the main priority. I brought my lips close to Delilah's ear, and I whispered what I hoped would calm her further.

"Lets go home." Veronica looked to Archie, not sparing me a thought. Archie rushed over to Cheryl, as if he actually cared about her. I wish I could be with her. Be the one to hold her. I was a little preoccupied considering I had someone else in my arms. Miraculously, I carried her to my motorcycle and gave her the helmet. She wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder. 

"Just like old times, right?" I could hear the smile in her voice. All I saw was the gun to Cheryl's head, then Delilah dropping it to the ground. Delilah falling to my arms, me having to save her yet again. I have to take care of her, it's who I am, we've known each other since first grade, I've saved her since. All I could remember was her always being jealous, all the time, Delilah being possessive. Delilah becoming my cage in life, not that I didn't already have one to begin with. 

Once I brought Delilah home, she was asleep. I knocked on the front door, her sister, Morgana opened it, inviting me in. I brought Delilah in and put her to bed. 

"Hey, Toni?" I looked to Morgana, expecting her to tell me something to make me stay. 

"You know," She paused, I didn't know if she was holding something back or still collecting her words. Maybe both. "When you two were separated she's been worse. She's been asking for you, wondering where you are. She gets mad when you never respond or appear. She threatens me sometimes. She says without you, she'll kill herself." Morgana looks past scared, she looks terrified. I couldn't keep being here for her, I couldn't be trapped by her for the rest of my life. 

"When she says that start singing, Stand By You. It calms her down, she'll also think I'm there. try that, if it doesn't work I'll figure something else out. She won't kill herself, I know she won't." I said it with more confidence than I felt. I wished Morgana a good night. I climbed back on my motorcycle and rode home. I fell onto my bed, and let all my walls come crashing down. I felt a tear travel down my face, heard a sob come loose from my throat. She almost died, I just met her tonight, and I was terrified of never seeing her again. I didn't want her to die, even if she hates me. 

I rode up to the back of the school, where I hid my bike during the school day so Weatherbee couldn't confiscate it. Once I walked into the building, I hear over the loudspeaker, "Antoinette  Topaz please report to the principal's office. Antoinette Topaz, please report to the office." My first thought was Cheryl. I realized if it was about Cheryl they would've called for Betty, her cousin. I had a creeping feeling I wasn't going to like this. I walked into Weatherbee's office, he was expecting me. Like an super villain, he was just sitting in his chair staring at the door. Damn he should get a life. 

"Antoinette, close the door behind you please." I obeyed, suspiciously, and sat in the seat across from him. "We have a new student joining us today." I raised my eyebrows at him, questioningly.

"I'm not on the welcoming committee, why should I care?" I challenged him. He seemed a little bit annoyed I wasn't respecting him or calling him sir. 

"Well, she requested for you to show her around specifically." I felt a chill run down my spine.

"Hello Sweetie." I turned my head to see Delilah leaning against the door frame. 

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