Chapter 5: "Welome Back, Mr. and Mrs. Hira"

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"Hurry up and explain, Lilac!" Shira demanded for an explanation. Lilac gulped and looked away, "I haven't had sex... It never got to sex..". Shira looked at both Teray and Nevark with anger and confusion, "Which one?". Nevark cleared his throat, " Th..that would be me, Ma'am..".

Shira looked at Nevark with annoyance, "Is it true? You never went the full way?!" She demanded again in anger. Nevark looked at her in the eyes, "Yes, its true. I did nothing more than the... Yeah and Lilac was in pain so I pulled out."

Shira looked at them all, "Lilac, you are very lucky! And you boy! Shame on you for wanting her but good job for stopping..." She said as she turned around and walked out, closing the door behind her.

Teray looked at Nevark, "Look I'm taking her to our place, you can sit here and look after her home. She's not safe with you.." He spoke with anger in his voice as he left with Lilac. Teray drove her to the Mansion, "Is it true? You really didn't have sex with, Nevark?"

Lilac looked at him in shame, "Yes.. He didn't go all the way..". When they got to the Hira Mansion, Teray laid her down on the couch. "There was a reason I wanted him not to touch you.." Lilac went wide eyed, still excited from earlier. Teray got on top of her, his eyes glowing red as his lips touched hers, making out with her. Lilac gripped his shirt before stopping and listening to what she heard was a door creeping open. "Wait.. Did you hear that?" She said whispering to him, Teray stopped and looked around the room.

"No.. Just ignore it.. Probably a dog or something." He whispered back and started to kiss her neck. "No wait.. It sounded like a door.." Lilac spoke quietly to him, trying to stop him.

A woman and a man were standing in the doorway, "Teray, she's quite smart. Good hearing, human.". Teray got off Lilac, looking at them and instantly was in shock. "Mother... Father..?".

Lilac looked at Teray and then at his parents. "Wh...what? Those are your parents?!", Teray looked down in embarrassment but sadness. "Yes... My father, Destan... My mother is Loda.. They.. They went missing a year ago. Speaking of, why the hell are you here?".

Loda smiled and walked over towards them, "We are here because you and Nevark were left in the dark, you followed your mission for sixteen years. We are so very proud of you both. Lilac, I would like a word with you."

Lilac went to walk over to Loda before Teray grabbed her hand, "Be careful... I can hear your heartbeat." Loda looked at Teray with suspension, "Don't you trust me, Teray? You really think I would want to hurt your main objective?" Lilac looked at Teray and smiled, "I'll be okay." She said with a tone of reassurance while letting go of his hand and walking off with his mother. Destan looked at Teray, "Let's talk as well. I've missed you, son."

Lilac and Loda walked upstairs to Loda's old suite which was kept clean. Lilac looked around and noticed the servant placing a tray down with a white sage incense, matches and a bowl before leaving the room. "Lilac I am half vampire and half witch. Do not be frightened this is just to protect our privacy. What we talk about is between us, understand?"

Loda sat down as she explained everything with seriousness. Lilac nodded and looked at her in the eyes, "I understand. So.. If you are a witch.. Does that mean--" Lilac was cut off by Loda, "No, it cannot be passed down. You must be given the gift of witchery. I got the gift from my grandmother just before she passed." She said softly while lighting the sage, soon whispering some chants.

Destan sat next to Teray, "Where is your brother? Did you two have a fight?" Teray chuckled and looked away in annoyance, "He tried to have sex with the girl I like... Again." Destan chuckled and poured himself a drink, "Again? Whom? Lilac? She's human and you are a vampire, sorry kiddo but you'll kill her."

Teray looked up at him, "What difference would you know? You were a demon when you got with mom and she was human! She wanted children and you turned her after she had Nevark! Don't you dare tell me that I can't be with her." Destan chuckled and drank a sip of his drink, "Fine, on a different subject.. We went to go and see your sisters grave." Teray sighed and rubbed his face, "Yeah and?" Destan looked at Teray seriously, "She's gone... The grave was a mess. I don't know what happened or why..".

After a few moments while Loda and Lilac coming down the stairs, Nevark rushed through the door, instantly looking at his mother, "Loda.. Why are you alive?.. Lilac, get away from her!" He demanded Lilac in a desperate matter. Teray went to get up to say something but Destan gripped his shoulder, sitting him back down. Loda looked at him with a faint smile about to go down another stair before getting stopped by Lilac. "Nevark, its okay, your mom and I were just talking. She is no harm to me, she promised to protect me." She spoke with assurance, Nevark getting angrier.

"Bullcrap! She left my brother an I for dead! I had to do everything on my own!", Loda looked at him with a faint look, "Lilac, I'm going to give you a key to the guest room. It'll be quite warm tonight so, I will make sure you are in a warm bed. Nevark, I will speak to you after.", Destan looked over at Nevark. "Nevark, come sit..".

Loda showed Lilac to her room and gave her the key. "Ignore my son, Nevark. He's quite angry at me but this is your room and do make yourself comfortable." Loda was about to walk out when Lilac asked a question, "What about my aunt? I have to tell her what's going on?", Loda turned around and smiled gracefully, " Don't worry, I have that covered. I'll speak to her before late." She walked out, closing the door behind her. Destan had just finished explaining everything to Nevark and Teray when Loda began to walk downstairs to the living room.

Nevark got up and looked down at Loda, "You owe me big time, you went to kill Gerla! And now you want me to forgive you?!" Loda sighed in frustration, "No I don't expect you to forgive me, sweetheart. I just don't want you to hate me and I don't want you and Teray to fight over the same girl." Nevark rolled his eyes as Teray laughed, "Not much of a fight...".

Nevark growled at Terays comment, walking upstairs to Lilac, opening the door and finding her snuggling into the fur blankets and pillows. " Is it cold in here for you? I can come and make it warmer?" He said with a slight smirk. Lilac looked at him with a serious look, "Y..Yeah... Its just... I can't S..Sit still... Its cold..". Nevark walked over and got under the covers, holding her dearly. Lilac moved closer to him, cuddling into him like a big bear. "God... You are so warm.. Its seriously a gift."

Later in the night, Nevark had fallen asleep with Lilac. Teray was in the living room, drawing on his notepad. Loda and Destan had gone out to hunt to celebrate. Teray got up, putting his pencil and notepad down, going into the kitchen and grabbing a drink of water when he smelt something dead but alive.

"Nevark... You stink.. Stop trying to be funny." He said with a smile but never got an answer. His eyes glowed red knowing something wasn't right. He scoped the house but nothing was out of the ordinary, Loda and Destan arrived back at the Mansion behind Teray. "You smell it to? Someone's here."

Loda and Destan looked around the house and the sound of Teray being flown across the kitchen room through a window woke Nevark up. "The hell?... Who the f.. Argh... Damn it." He said with anger and confusion, leaving the bed without trying to wake Lilac up. Heading straight down to Teray, "Hey, what the hell happened to you? Did you challenge dad or something?" Teray groans in agony and slowly gets up, "No... Not funny either. Is Lilac awake?"

Nevark looked at Teray up and down starting to chuckle, "No.. She's still sound asleep. Where's mom and dad?" Teray looked at the window he was thrown out of, "Inside.. I'm gonna beat the crap out of whatever did that.." A girl with very pale skin, a scar along her left eye and white hair walked over to the window, "Well you wont have to fight hard, Brothers." The girl said with a soft and chilling voice.

Nevark and Teray looked at her with confusion and total utter disbelief, "Gerla?!...".

Authors Comment:
"Ahh, the parents and the sister of the lovely Nevark and Teray come into the story! This shows the relationship between the family of the Hira's!"

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