Chapter 3: The Triangle Begins.

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Lilac and Nevark were sitting separate from each other across the room. Lilac sat on her bed, knees up to her chest. Nevark sat in a chair near the window, "Its 8:27pm, you can stop looking at me now." Lilac was looking at him very much in her own world, "Huh? I'm not staring at you... I'm thinking".

Nevark let out a small chuckle and looked at her, "Oh is that so? You are totally not thinking about me." Lilac shook her head and the sound of heart was beating faster and faster, "No! Shut up! Can you leave now? Its been almost 3 hours. I do want to take a shower..". Nevark crossed his arms and smiled playfully, "Off you go, I'm not stopping you. Unless you don't trust me enough?".

Lilac blushed hard and quickly jumped up, opening her closet doors and getting a pair of clothes, quickly walking to the bathroom. Nevark sat there and pondered, watching her leave. "I can't get too close..".

Back at the Hira mansion, Teray was working out in his room. Stopping and taking a break, he pondered to himself and looked at the clock on the wall. " They went to get a book and take her home.. That was ages ago.. I'm worried..", walking over to his desk and grabbing his phone. He began to text Nevark, typing furiously.

"Where are you? I thought you were supposed to come home ages ago?! Teray."
Nevark felt his phone vibrate, getting his phone out while listening to the water in the shower. Swiping right in his screen to view the message, he began to read it and chuckle. "Ah he is so annoying.. And immature." He began to type back and reply to Teray's message.

"I'm starting my job now, protecting Lilac. Be home in the morning. Nevark.", he put his phone on Lilac's desk and waited for Lilac to come back out.

Within half an hour, Lilac comes out with short PJ shorts and a low cut t shirt on. "When do I get my house to myself? Never?", Nevark looked over at her standing in the doorway and smiled. "I'm leaving in the morning. I just need to fulfill my duties.", Lilac sat down on her bed and sighed.

Nevark's eyes began to go gold from the moonlight, walking over and sat on Lilac's bed in front of her. "You know, you have been staring at me since we got to your place. Your heart skips a beat when I talk to you. That's such a tease..", Lilac went wide eyed and moved backwards slightly. " Wh.. What?", she began to notice his eyes and his pupils were dilated. "N.. Nevark I think you are losing yourself here..".

Nevark began to move more towards her, with every move he made towards her, Lilac would lay almost flat on the bed with her legs spread apart and against his hips. " N..Nevark... Please.. Don't I--" before she could finish her sentence, Nevark's lips touched her neck.

He was fighting his urges so hard that if he were to continue, he might lose all control. "Lilac, your skin and your blood are the purest. I want you to myself and.. I can't." He whispered in her ear, deeply and softly. Lilac began to breathe heavily, "Tell me you are joking here... Tell me you are strong enough to fight back."

Nevark began to grip the sheets and slowly pulling away from her, moving towards the end of the bed. "...I am so sorry, Lilac. Please, do not be frightened of me.. This doesn't usually happen." Lilac gulped and was practically frozen in the spot she was in, "I.. I'm not frightened, I just.. Uhmm.." Nevark looked at her in shame of himself, "Don't do that... Don't lie to me, I can hear your heart and its racing beyond a thousand miles."

Lilac looked at him in pity of him, "I'm sorry if I caused you pain.. Well that's what it looked like, pain. I.. I'm not scared of you, Nevark.." In a flash of a few quick seconds, Nevark got back on top of her and began to raise his voice a little, "This?! This does not frighten you?! In just two seconds you could become mine." Lilac looked up at him and her heart began to beat almost so fast it was critical. "You are starting to frighten me now... Yes."

Within two hours, Lilac laid there asleep and cuddled up to her blanket. Nevark sat on the chair near the window, looking over at her and noticed how cold she was. Getting up off the chair, he got on her bed and over the covers while moving his arm around the back of her. Lilac had felt instant warmth and coddled up to him almost like as if she felt safer around him.

Nevark looked at her, moving her hair away from her eyes but before he too could fall asleep with her, his phone vibrated. "Damn it.. Who is seriously texting me?", he picked up his phone from the nearby drawer and swiped to open the message. " 10:56pm: Nevark, I'll come by at 6:35am sharp to take Lilac to school. Teray.", Nevark sighed and turned his phone off. "You shall not have her..".

The next morning on her way to school with Teray, they were stopped at a traffic stop. "Ahh.. Another day in paradise.. Hey Lilac?", he looked over at her and immediately noticing at how distracted she was. "Lilac? Are you okay? Did everything go fine last night?", Lilac came to her senses and looked down and then back to looking outside the window. "Yeah.. Everything was fine. I'm just tired and overwhelmed with everything going on..." Her voice was soft but it wasn't calm.

"You sure? He didn't try anything did he?", Lilac instantly looked up and looked over to the side, "No... Not at all..." She said with a fake smile. Back at the Hira Mansion, Nevark was in his room with a young woman slumped from him draining her of blood, instantly dropping her to the ground while blood trickled down from his lips to his chin. "Must.. Control... Myself.."

Teray noticed that when Lilac looked away from him that there was a mark on her neck. "What happened to your neck?" He said demandingly but trying to sound worried. Lilac looked at him and then moving her hand over her neck, "Ah.. I must have scrubbed myself well last night.. I showered and yeah.. Don't worry."

Teray looked at her neck and then back at the road, his mind running with thousands of reasons why she has that mark on her neck. Teray began to drive and noticed that the mark was almost like a bruise, there was only one thing he had left to ask her. "Does it hurt at all, Lilac?", Lilac looked at him in panic, " Ah.. No? Not at all. I'm fine!" She lied and reassured him, Teray signing in frustration knowing what that mark is.

Getting to the school, Lilac and Teray got out of the car as soon as it was parked. Nevark was behind their car, cleaned himself up from this morning. "How was the drive?" He asked immediately as he saw Lilac. Teray looked at him while watching Lilac completely avoid his question and walking over to Kirai. "What happened last night, Nevark? She seems scared." He said in a tone of anger, walking closer to Nevark while balling his fists.

Nevark smiled and looked at him with sarcasm, "Nothing happene--" before he could finish his sentence, he was thrown onto the hood of Teray's car. "That is bullshit! You couldn't control yourself, could you?! Marking her like that?! I know that's a god damn hickey! What happened?!" He demanded Nevark for an answer but all he got was laughter and a response, "Wouldn't you like to know?" Nevark smirked and looked over at everyone else, "Now you wouldn't want to start a scene, would you?".

Teray got him off his car, locking it and walking off, his body shaking in so much anger. Lilac looked down while walking with Kirai through the doors of the school, not knowing how to feel. Kirai looked over their shoulders, seeing Nevark getting up off the ground and Teray following after them. "Hey.. Lilac is everything okay?", Lilac didn't say a word, nodding to her question. Kirai was confused, not knowing how to react or what to say instead she just stayed by Lilac's side and stayed silent.

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