Chapter 11: A Love Forever Bonded.

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Its been a couple of months since the death of Zira and disappearance of Teray. Nevark sat down on the couch with a drink in his hand, placing it down he let out a big sigh. "I need a break.." Before being interrupted he could sense a presence near by, "Go away.. I'm tired."

Loda's voice was heard and suddenly a heartbeat, "Too tired to take a beautiful young lady out?" When he heard his mothers voice and the sound of a heartbeat, he looked up to see his mother beside Lilac who looked absolutely amazing. He immediately stood up and smiled, "Wow.. Uhh Lilac.. You are very beautiful. Let me go get ready but before I do.. Where are we going?"

Loda smiled and looked at him, proud that she could see a smile on his face. "You're going to a theatre show." Nevark ran upstairs to get ready, closing the door behind him, smiling so much he had tried not to.

Half an hour goes by and they get to their seat inside the theatre. "So.. Is this what you guys had to watch back in like.. 1800's?" Lilac said while sitting down. Nevark looked at her before sitting down beside her, "Well.. I was always... Busy.. So, I never got to see anything like this at your age. I did end up watching one with Teray but he left early."

Lilac smiled a little and began to watch the show. During the end of the show, Lilac's hand was resting on the armrest along with Nevark's, moving a little bit their hands both touched before looking at each other. After the show Lilac and Nevark were walking to the car when just before Lilac went to get in, Nevark stood behind her and placed both his hands on either side of the door.

"Lilac.. May I ask you a question?" Lilac jumped and turned around to look at him, smiling nervously and had very rosy cheeks. "Ah.. Yes.. Sure?", Nevark looked into her eyes and smiled softly, "The day I took you to the bookstore, your soul it was pure. Now.. After finding out all these things, after seeing all these things.. How do you feel?"

Lilac gulped and blinked so fast she couldn't think because he was looking at her dead in the eyes, making her feel so intimidated. "Ah... I feel more.. Uhmm.. Happy.." Nevark tilted his head to the side and chuckled slightly, "I'm intimidating you.. Aren't I? I'm sorry. How about this question.. Do you have feelings for Teray?"

Lilac looked up at him in confusion, "I... I don't think so.. He's more of an older brother really.. Or a close friend." Nevark looked at her again and smiled softly. "What about me? Do you have feelings for me?" He questioned her but Lilac's heart began to race and even skip a beat when he had asked her the question.

"Ah.. That.. I.. I'm not sure." He chuckled and lifted her chin up a little, before placing his lips on hers. Lilac had become shocked but her eyes wanted to close. Nevark pulled away and looked at her, "Come on.. Let's go home."

After coming home, Loda noticed how Lilac and Nevark came home so awkwardly. She was confused on why as soon as they had got home, Nevark went to take a shower and so did Lilac.

Nevark was in his bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist while thinking to himself while Lilac was in her room just pondering on what just happened at the theatre. Loda had walked towards Lilac's room and smiled brightly, "Lilac? Is everything okay? You both seem a bit odd this evening?"

Lilac jumped and gulped, looking over at the door. "Yeah, everything is fine. We just had a bit of.. Bonding that's all." Loda chuckled and took a deep sigh in relief, "Alright well, Destan, Gerla and I are all going hunting. Are you two going to be okay?"

Lilac responded quickly and in a embarrassed tone. "I think so, have fun hunting.". Loda and the rest of the family had left to hunt as Nevark had heard them leave.

Lilac was sitting on her bed still pondering when she had heard a knock at her door. " Like I said we should be fi--" She was cut off by Nevark opening the door with jeans on and no shirt. Lilac looked up at him and her heart began to race more.

Nevark could tell the difference between fear and lust, he stepped in and closed the door behind him. "You aren't scared?" Lilac began to breathe a little heavily, "How do you know if I am or not?" Nevark stepped closer and placed his hand along the side of her jawline and neck, whispering in her ear, "Because your not running away and your heart is beating differently. I'm not going to hurt you.."

He looked at her in the eyes before pulling her close to him, kissing her lips gently. Lilac had finally given in to her feelings, moving closer towards him and placing her hands along his chest as he moved down to her neck, kissing along it softly before stopping and looking down at her into her eyes, breathing heavily himself. "Are you okay? Are you okay with this?"

Lilac nodded and began to use her left hand to grip the back of his hair lightly. "I'm okay, I'm okay with everything.. Just be as gentle as you can." Nevark smiled and began to kiss down her neck softly.

Soon, laying her down on the bed he began to lift her top off and looking into her eyes. "Do you trust me?" Lilac looked up at him and nodded, her hands on his shoulders. "Yes.. I trust you", he began to kiss down to her stomach.

Lilac began to breathe heavily as Nevark moved back on top of her, kissing her lips once again. "Do you want to? I need to know that you want it and that you are okay with it." Lilac chuckled and looked up at him, "Of course I do and if I wasn't okay with it, I would have pushed you off. Stop asking me stupid questions..". Nevark pulled both her bottom clothing off and his own.

"If it makes you feel comfortable.. We can do this under the blankets?" Lilac smiled and looked up at him, "What do you think? Which one is more romantic?" Nevark chuckled and pulled the covers over them, looking down at her and took a deep breath in before letting it out. "Okay.. You ready? You make sure you let me know if I'm hurting you."

Lilac nodded as Nevark began to kiss her gently, moving closer towards her slowly. Lilac began to groan in pain but she started to get used to it, she gripped him to the point of scratching his back. Nevark smiled and gripped the pillow hard, trying to stay in control. Lilac looked up at him and smiled, "Its okay. Just look at me.. You are okay."

After they had finished, Lilac was laying beside Nevark as he caressed her hair through his fingers while smiling softly. Hearing a door close downstairs, he thought his parents had come home. "They're home early.."

Teray had opened the door to find Lilac sleeping beside with Nevark nude. In utter confusion and anger, he just stared at them. "What.. The fuck?!" He yelled in anger as Lilac woke up from Teray yelling, immediately cuddling into Nevark. "Teray..." Nevark looked at Teray and growled.

"You prick! Do not even try to come in here and act all angry and shit." Teray stood there as Loda and the others had just came back, noticing Teray standing at Lilacs door. Loda walked closer, noticing Nevar and Lilac in bed together. "Oh my... Teray come downstairs.. Please. Nevark get dressed." She tried to move Teray away from the door but he shrugged it off and stormed downstairs.

Lilac looked up at Nevark, "Are we in trouble?" She asked him in worry as Nevark looked down and sighed in frustration. "No.. You go have a shower okay? I'll sort this out."

Loda, Destan and Teray were all sitting down on the sofa downstairs. Nevark had put some clothes on before going down. Teray went to get up but Destan stopped him. "Enough! We will talk about this like normal."

Nevark growls and looked at Teray before sitting down across from them. "You left Lilac to die! You idiot, you were god damn compelled to let her die! Your mission!" Teray looked at Nevark and nodded softly, "Yeah? Well your the idiot who took her virginity! What's the point of even getting angry at me?!"

Loda slammed her fist on the table, "Enough! Both of you! Nevark, you took Lilac's virginity. Teray, you left her for Zira to deal with. You both had no control!" Teray laughed sarcastically, "Mom he has enough control to keep his dirty hybrid--" Teray was cut off by Destan, "Okay we get it! Stop it.. Nevark and Lilac obviously have feelings for each other. Teray just do your job and protect her, Nevark.. Just.. Keep an eye on her."

Teray growled and Nevark looked away just before hearing a loud crash and thud. Nevark had rushed upstairs to Lilac, opening the bathroom door. His face went into full shock and rushed to her aid. Teray stood at the door in confusion on what to do. Lilac had collapsed on the bathroom floor, her face pale as a cloud. "Lilac?! Come on, wake up! Teray, help me!" Nevark shouted in anger and worry.

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