Another Misson

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Lagos, Nigeria:

It's me, Wanda and Natasha sat in little café downtown. Steve was in building along with Sam on the roof.

"All right, what do you see?" Steve spoke into his earpiece for everyone to hear. "Standard beat cops. Small station. Quiet street. It's a good target." Wanda replied.

I was sat on another table behind Natasha, facing Wanda. Stirring some sugar in my tea, I added a bit too much sugar. "There's an ATM in the south corner, which means...", "Cameras." said Wanda finishing Steve's sentence.

"Both cross streets are one way." Steve mentioned which Wanda pointed out "So, compromised escape routes". "That means our guy doesn't care about being seen, he isn't afraid to make a mess on the way out." I explained. "You see that Range Rover halfway up the block?".

"Yeah, the red one? It's cute." Wanda said back to me. "It's also bulletproof, which means private security, which means more guns, which means more headaches for somebody. Probably us." Natasha said speaking up.

"You guys know I can move things with my mind, right?" I followed Wanda's words "And you guys know I can control the four elements which can easily destroy anything in a small radius". "Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature." I rolled my eyes at Natasha's response.

"Anybody ever tell you you're a little paranoid?" Sam suggested to Nat. "Not to my face. Why? Did you hear something?" Nat fired back. "Eyes on target, folks. This is the best lead we've had on Rumlow in six months. I don't want to lose him." Steve said reminding us on why we came on this mission.

Sam made an obvious fact of "If he sees us coming that won't be a problem. He kind of hates us.", I laughed "No kidding."

From Steve's view he could see a garbage truck pushing its way through the traffic. He spoke again into his earpiece "Sam, see that garbage truck? Tag it". Sam took an X-ray of the truck "That truck's loaded for max weight. And the driver's armed". " It's a battering ram." Nat said.

"Couldn't be anymore original"

"It's no time to joke Alex" Steve said.


"Go now" Steve commands "What?" Wanda asked confused. " He's not hitting the police." I cleaned my fists they better not hurt any civilians. Ever since I became inhuman I've always had a feeling towards saving humans. It just hurts me to see innocent people get hurt because I'm a victim of it.

A man is sitting in the guard station. He looks over as the garbage truck comes towards the gate. The driver jumps out, and the truck slams into the guard station. Two trucks rush into the compound through the newly-made hole. Soldiers in black armor emerge from the trucks, firing their rifles around the courtyard. Four soldiers fire gas canisters into the building. Soldiers wearing gas masks enter.

Steve comes in taking out several soldiers "Body armor, AR15s. I make 7 hostiles". While Sam flies in taking two soldiers out "I make 5". Wanda arrives and flies over the rooftop and into the courtyard, blocking fire with her powers. I walk through taking control of one soldier by throwing him into the wall.

Wanda called for Sam and he glides down from the rooftop, catching the soldier on one of his wings "Four". "Rumlow's on the third floor." Sam announced.

"Wanda, just like we practiced." Steve said. "What about the gas?" Wanda asked I facepalmed "I'll bloody take care of it". Wanda uses her powers to lift Steve up and through the window. When Steve got there safely I used the wind to push the gas up and smashing the windows for the gas to escape.

I waited outside with Wanda waiting for the news. "Rumlow has a biological weapon" I groaned "Not the news I wanted Steve". Nat comes in on her motorcycle "I'm on it, Alex go meet me somewhere in the village because I will need your help". "Got it" I replied, I ditched Wanda and possibly Sam to go and blend in with everyone in the village.

I stole a headscarf and wrapped it around my head. I kept any eye out on every corner I took to make sure I didn't get followed. "Sam. He's in an AFV heading north." Sam's going to have to take care of that himself because I'm in the wrong area to help. "I got four, they're splitting up."

"Nat where are you?" I asked "Jump and flip backwards when I say go" she demanded. "GO!" She shouted I jumped up in the air doing a backflip landing behind the skidding motorcycle. I find Natasha jumping on the hood of cars I run after her hoping to catch up "Me and A got the two on the left".

We find some of the remaining soldiers "Out of the way!". Nat tackles one of them to ground and they start fist fighting. While she takes care of him I handle the other one. I point my hands out pulling a basket and whooshing it into his faces distracting him. Nat attack's him from behind ending up face-to-face with him.

One man shouts "Drop it. Or I'll drop this. Drop it!" and the other shouts "He'll do it!" with everyone pointing there guns at each other. Redwing descends and fires at the soldier with the vial. He drops the vial Natasha fires at the other soldier. I take my chance sliding across the sandy  floor catching it with my bare hands.

"Payload secure. Thanks, Sam." She says smiling at me and I return the favour.

"Don't thank me" Sams voice spoke from our earpieces.

"I'm... not thanking that thing."

"I agree with Nat on this one."

"His name is Redwing."

"I'm still not thanking it."

"He's cute. Go ahead, pet him."

"Yeah let me go fetch my lead" I said interrupting. Sam just laughed.

I could feel heat in my hands. I looked down at my hands but it wasn't me. I turned around to see a flaming body being thrown into one of the towers. "Oh my god" I whispered putting my trembling hand over my mouth.

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