We Fight

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Steve, Sam, Bucky, Clint, Wanda, Scott and I stand on when end of the airport in line awaiting for Tony's team to arrive. A few seconds later Tony, Rhodey, T'Challa, Natasha, Vision and Spider-Man stand opposite us.

"What do we do, Cap?" Sam asks.

"We fight." Steve replies.

We both walk slowly striding towards each other quicken our pace slightly to a jog and then running at one another as fast as we could. "This is gonna be the fight that ends us." I mumble under my breath along with a worried tone.

The only person who I couldn't see fighting anyone was Vision. I took this to my advantage by sneaking around him and forcing the wind to push him further behind me. He tries to blast me with a beam by the infinity stone giving him all this power but I just miss it.

"I probably should of fought someone else." I say into my ear piece.

"Don't get too distracted Alex we need to get Bucky out of here to stop those Winter Soldiers." Steve spoke making sure I understand why we're all here.

"I understand. But, Vision isn't making it easy." I scream as Vision knocks me out of my breath.

"Son of a bitch."

I shoot fire from both of my hands giving it my best as Vision does the same from his head. We both had our power increasing incredibly as we fight each other determined to win. But, neither of us were giving up just yet. I felt my feet beginning to get pushed backwards along the tarmac with the rest of my body. I could feel my body draining as I was getting more tired with the amount of power and energy I'm using. I closed my eyes taking in a deep breath and started walking forwards pushing Vision backwards until he gave up and fell. I let go of myself falling to the floor from exhaustion.

"Never let me get on you're bad side Miss Violet." Vision spoke from far away.

"Likewise Vision, likewise." I panted wincing a bit.

I make myself get up catching my breath and carefully head back to the main fight seeing if anyone needed my help because this is only the start of my cuts and bruises.

I limp ahead seeing Clint preparing to shoot an arrow at Tony with a extremely tiny Scott at the tip getting ready to be shot. Clint lets the arrow escape his grasp heading towards Tony letting Scott do whatever he has planned.

I now stand next to Clint both of us thinking about a plan of attack. Bucky talks into his ear piece distracting us from our plan, "We gotta go. That guy is probably in Siberia by now."

We all know that was for Steve because ever since they got reconnected they've never left each others side, which I found best friends goals if you ask me. "We gotta draw out the flyers. I'll take Vision. You get to the jet."

Sam and I both reply at the same, "Well Vision shouldn't be too much of a problem anymore." and "No, you get to the jet! Both of you! The rest of us aren't getting out of here."

"As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it." Clint speaks up.

"I agree plus they both have a point Steve, this isn't the real fight." I say sadly. The only way we're gonna get through this is by making major sacrifices.

Steve sighs heavily "Alright everyone, what's the plan?"

"We need a diversion, something big."

"I got something kind of big, but I can't hold it very long. On my signal run like hell! And if I tear myself in half... don't come back for me."

Coincidentally, me and Clint look at each other with a funny look as Bucky asks "He's gonna tear himself in half?"

"You sure about this Scott? I don't wanna see you get hurt like at all in fact." I ask double checking because I do not need to see someone get torn in half.

"I do it all time. I mean once... in a lab. Then I passed out. I'm the boss. I'm the boss.I'm the boss.I'm the boss. I'm the BOSS!" I watch as Scott then leaps from the stairs and lands on Rhodey's back as he flies past us. Suddenly, we watch as human size Scott turns into a giant size Scott.

"Oh my god!" I shout smiling. "Good job Scott you're a boss!". In the background I hear Peter scream "Holy shit!" being just as surprised as I am.

We head towards Scott on foot distracting and keeping everyone preoccupied as Scott kicks a bus towards T'Challa. The bus also gets thrown to Vision who splits it in half protecting T'Challa from harm. T'Challa spots Steve and Bucky sprinting fast and he chases after them before they can do anything else.

When I see T'Challa chase after them I blast wind knocking him from his feet across the ground. He gets back up becoming face to face with me extracting his claws ready to fight. We both run throwing punches and kicks seeing who will fall first.

"Long time no see huh your highness." I glare.

"I don't care." he responds in a blank manner.

"Of course." I scoff.

I get distracted by Spidey wrapping his webs around Scott's legs. I attempt to burn the web with my fire but I miss with the such big gap between us. My legs get swiped up into the air as I land onto my back smacking my head against the floor. I groan from pain as I feel my ribs hurting when ever I breath. I watch as T'Challa runs away again leaving me falling in and out of consciousness.

I feel someone grab me and carry me to safety. "You should just um stay here and uh not get hurt again." They placed me up against a box away from the fighting. I open my eyes seeing Spidey in front of me.

"Maybe you and I might get along just okay." I giggle.

"That would amazing!" He says "I mean that would great." re-adjusting his tone.

"You should probably head back but thank you." I spoke and I watch him swing back to where ever he came from.

I stayed put for about 10 minutes or so until Sam speaks into his ear piece "Alex have you got any energy left to help me take down Tony and Rhodey?".

"Yeah I'll be right there." I say. This is more than likely going to cause my injuries to get worse but you gotta do what's right, and that's helping out your family. I attempt to put my pain and thoughts aside and run straight ahead to help out Sam.

I look up watching Sam fire some small explosives hitting Rhodey causing him to get knocked around in the sky. With every ounce of motivation I had left inside of me I jumped high enough in the sky playing with the air making it harder for everyone to fly. Vision takes aim at me and Sam firing more lasers. I push Sam out of the way so we wouldn't get hurt. But, what I didn't know was that Rhodey was behind us and the laser sliced through the core of his chest plate.

I drop to the ground seeing Rhodey fall endlessly from the sky. "Shit!" I scream . I sprint across the grass with my hands up in the air trying to control his fall but he was falling quicker than I was running. Tony and Sam also tries to help by swooping down towards us. Tony and I both watch in horror as Rhodey smacks into the large field surrounding us. I get to him not long before Tony does tearing off his face plate seeing him with closed eyes and a bloody nose.

Tony falls to his knees staring at him while I feel Sam land behind me. I turn around looking at Sam with a panic look but he reassures me with a nod and I turn back around facing Tony.

"Will he be okay?" I ask.

Tony nods his head "Yeah medical are on there way."

"I'm sorry." Sam says sincerely but Tony blasts him to the floor. I get up running past Vision seeing if Sam's okay.

"You alright fella?" I nervously ask.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine." he says getting up to sit on his bum.

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