Fairy Tail

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Natsu stopped flying 100 metres from Fiore, because he didn't want to attract unwanted attention, He ran at full speed and within minutes, he was already in Magnolia. He asked others for directions of Fairy Tail. Since Natsu saw that there was still time, he decided to explore Magnolia, to create a map inside his head of this place, as he will be living in this place from now on. He also bought ice cream, which was surprisingly good.

Finally, after a few hours, he stood in front of he Fairy Tail guild. He kicked open the doors, and as soon as those door, open, a chair flew his way. Everyone were shocked and yelled,

"Hey kid! Run!" But Natsu didn't move, he just stood there, waiting for the chair to come at him. Erza thought that he was stupid, and requipped into her armour, and tried to destroy the chair from behind, but she was already too late as it too close to him. However, everyone were caught by surprise when they saw the chair break into millions of wood chips, and saw the mysterious pink-haired boy with a held out hand.

Erza deduced that he held out his hand not to only for self defence, but to also destroy the chair.

Very observant of her, right? :)

A short white haired old man spoke up, whilst being intrigued by Natsu,

"Hello there young lad. My name is Makarov Dreyar, the master of Fairy Tail." Natsu nodded, and said

"Hello master, my name is Natsu Dragios, and I would like to join Fairy Tail." Natsu smiled, which charmed ll the girls, as they all blushed, even Mira! The red-haired girl from before, came up to him, and introduced herself,

"Hello, my name is Erza Scarlet, and the strongest female in Fairy Tail." Natsu nodded, and was about to greet Erza, if it wasn't for a certain white-haired girl. 

"Get out of here tin can! Hello there cutie! My name is Mirajane Strauss, but call me Mira." Erza was annoyed at her actions and re-quipped into her armour, called out a sword and charged at Mira, who also smirked and charged at Erza. They were so close to each other until Natsu got in between them and effortlessly caught their fists. Everyone, including the master were caught by surprise.

The master then smirked, "Gildarts, test out that  boy's strength."

Gildarts smirked, "Got it master." He got up and stood in front of him and both intently stared at each other. Natsu did the first move,

FIRE DRAGON'S BLAZING INFERNO!! A large fireball was sent in Gildart's, who only smirked and raised his hand,

CRASH!! However, the fireball just phased through his attack, much to everyone's surprise, and hit Gildarts. Natsu then closed the distance between him and Gildarts and attacked again

CRIMSON PHOENIX'S TALON DRIVE!! He sent barrage of strong and fast to Gildarts stomach, chest and knees, so that he couldn't move for some time. Using this to his advantage, Natsu went on the offensive again,

CRIMSON PHOENIX'S ROAR!! A large torrent of bright orange flames collided with Gildarts, who could only scream in pain, as the fire burned his body. When the flames cleared, everyone were shocked to see that his body had several charred and burn marks. Gildarts thought it was time to get serious, so he let out his magical aura, which didn't faze Natsu. He went on the offensive,

EMPYREAN FLAME!!! Bullets of white flames were heading towards Natsu, who attempted to eat them, but was surprised that he could not. Therefore, all the bullets hit and when the battlefield was clear, Natsu was still standing.

Gildarts grinned, "Hey, you're not bad!" Natsu smirked, "I can say the same thing about you. I'd say it's time to end things, don't you?" Gildarts smirked, and got into stance for what ever Natsu had in store for him. To his shock, the next attack wasn't a physical attack, but a mental attack,

CRIMSON PHOENIX' CRY!! A large screeching sound echoed through the entire guild, as everyone were covering their ears. Natsu took this time ti his advantage,

CRIMSON PHOENIX'S TEARS!! His body started to regenerate. He rushed towards Gildarts,


FIRE DRAGON'S WING ATTACK!! Natsu's fists were covered with fireballs, as he used them to lift Gildarts in the air, whilst burning him, then finished this battle with a final move,

PHOENIX DRAGON HYBRID'S GIANT ROAR!!!! A large torrent of crimson and bright orange  flames came out of Rikuo's mouth and collided with Gildarts.

Once all the smoke ended, everyone shat their pants, at what they saw. Gildarts was lying unconscious and burnt all over, whereas Natsu was standing there, completely unharmed, as if nothing ever happened.

The master stuttered, "T-the winner i-is Natsu D-Dragios!!!" Everyone cheered. Then Natsu was bombarded with questions,

"Hey what magic do you use?!"

"How strong are you?!"

"Where did you come from?!"

Natsu then spoke up, "Hold on! Give me time to answer all of you questions!

OK first I am not from here, second I am not strong. And as for my magic, I use Phoenix Slaying Magic, as well as Dragon Slaying Magic." Everyone were intrigued, as the master was flabbergasted,

"Wait, did you say Phoenix AND Dragon Slaying Magic?!" Everyone looked at the master,

"What's wrong master," asked Mira. 

"Phoenix and Dragon Slaying magics are very rare and thus are considered Lost Magic. You must be very strong boy."

Natsu just frowned and looked down, his bangs covering his eyes.

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