Chapter 1 (At first)

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 You're probably wondering what the title of this book means, it may sound strange and kind of psychologic, but don't worry it has nothing to do with that. In this book I will talk to about how I lived my life with two different bodies with different meanings and experiences. My name is David Grownfield I'm 15, I was born in Uruguay and lived there for a couple of years, but then we moved to Ohio. It all began one night on June 12 2006; I was having a sleep over at one of my friend's house. His house had huge back yard filled with all sorts of animals, like cats, dogs, horses, sheep, and cows; it was quite a party out there.

 At 10:00 pm everyone went to sleep, I woke up a couple of minutes later because I had to take a leak, and that is when it all started. I saw two dark shadows moving on the sky making frequent shiny lights. I had no idea what they were until one knocked the other out of the sky spilling all of its juice or whatever it was all over the field and by bad luck it also fell on my mouth. It tasted revolting and it was all cold like soap water and everything. I went to search for the thing that fell, but it disappeared. I went back to the campsite to tell my pips but half way there I fell down, like if someone pushed my off button. 

I woke up at 6:30 am, I was shocked of what happened last night , so I went running this time to the camp and I found my friends sleeping like fat wales on the shores of Philadelphia. I woke up Jack that is one of my closest friends and told him what happened last night. He told me that it was probably two birds or two bats fighting for food or something. I refused to believe that, the two creatures were huge and they had no feathers and they didn't squeak like bats. The next week school started, I'm very good at math, physics, and chemistry, because I'm excellent with numbers. I suck at anything that has to do with politics, history or stuff like that.

 Monday began with with math, and we had a new teacher, I wanted to make my best impression to her because last year the past teacher hit me with the eraser because I corrected him in every operation that he made, he wasn't a very good teacher. The new one entered into our class, her name was Mrs. Helen. She told us that she was a good teacher; she liked basketball, bla bla bla, but what really interested me was that she told us that lives on New Your , that is 754 km away. No wonder she uses a plain every day. We began to see our first topics and suddenly that same thing that happened to me on the camp happened again, I fainted on the middle of the class knocking my body on the ground.

 I woke up at the nurse room kind of dizzy with Mrs Helen next to me. So much a first impression, the class fainted princes that had to picked up like a baby to the nurse office, happy 2006. The nurse wasn't in the room only my teacher, she was checking if I had any sickness. I asked her if she had any license to be checking a student; she told me that only she knows some types of illness that regular nurses can't detect. I said to myself if she's some kind Sherlock Homes or something like that.

"Has this happened before?" Mrs. Helen asked

"Just once, last week" I answered

"Do you suffer from any sugar pressure?"


"Does your family have something special, or have you swallowed any substance that has a unique revolting taste that you've never tasted before, that's very similar to soap water"

"Yea kind of, what special family thing."

"Never mind, where did you taste it?"

"I don't know, I was in a friend's yard and some huge bats came and killed each other and I think a swallowed some of the action."

"Are you sure they were bats"

"No they made weird noises and made lights out of their mouths."

"Did they sound like this" She putted me a short audio of 17 seconds of the things making weird noises.

"Yes" I said

She told me that I had nothing to worry about, that it was probably a temperature drop in my body, and that she'll be keeping an eye on me if anything goes wrong. It was pretty weird that she knew exactly what happened on the camp, maybe she was spying, but no matter they left us a lot of home work and I had to concentrate. At the end of the day I returned home, my mama talked with me for a while about what happened in school, my brother George as usual bothered me for a decade, and my sister Lizza also supported me because she wants to a future doctor. 

I went to sleep at 10:00 pm after finishing my homework and studying, I finished faster than usual and I could memorize stuff twice as fast. The next morning I felt like if I had hell on my back. I could barely stand, or even lift my feet to put on my shoes. Then all of a sudden I fell to the ground and passed out for 5 minutes until I woke up again. I told my mama that something was wrong and that she needed to call an ambulance. This was my first moment in my life where I was freaking out. The doctors said that my my health was ok, that I had no spreading disease thank god. 

But what I did not expect was that they told me that I had a blood temperature at-57 degree Celsius. That's practically the temperature of a frozen man; they couldn't feel it on my skin, but in my blood. I spent the whole day at the hospital with doctors trying to figure out what I had. It took them so long that I fell asleep, I woke up a couple of hours later and all the doctors where gone and Mrs. Sherlock Holmes aka Mrs. Helen was next to me. That freaked me out.

"I don't mean to be rude but what are you doing next to me" I told her.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, aren't you supposed to be at school, where are all the doctors, how do did you know I was here, who are you?"

"I received a call from your mom and from the doctors because I had experience with your sickness in school. And I'm your math teacher remember."

"So Mrs. Helen do I have something odd?"

"Not so much, sooner you will see that it will be something normal"

"What do you mean, is it going to continue?"

"Tomorrow is the last day you will be able to go to school. If anything goes wrong go to class 84, I will be waiting there."

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