Chapter 4 (A first Impression)

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"Now remember young dragons, this place is like our second home it has existed for a thousand years, and it is a chance for the worlds dragons to meet, share their techniques, exchange ideas, but most importantly you two will finally meat the world's dragon council. Remember Henry it's important to make a good first impression it might define who you are in this institution, I forgot to tell you David in this place you will be having school with other students."

The place was filled with dragons everywhere, there were people from all around the world, from Egypt, Pakistan, France, Russia, Mexico, it was amazing. Everything was going great, I was so anxious to meet this council, but suddenly Henry went with his skateboard shouting our names all over the place, that was embarrassing. I could see three persons at the end of the camp, Henry got tripped by some guy and he fell on some chocolate cake throwing his skate board to one of the three persons in the head. The man fell cold to the ground, everyone was laughing including me, it was hilarious. Henry got up and cleaned some of his clothes with chocolate, G and I took him to the court room to finally see the council.

 When we entered into the room, but it was empty, a young lady came in and told us that the meeting had to weight because one of the council members is unconscious because of a flying skate board attack. G covered his face with his hands and Henry and I were cold and sort of laughing for the huge trouble in which Henry will be soon. Half and our later the council came in with one wearing a bandage on his head, it was so funny. They all sat down on a high table observing the three of with no reaction, then they all began to introduce themselves.

"I am Councillor Zekeye dragon from the republic of Congo, also head of the dragon council of this 21th skate board, I mean century" said the guy in red robes.

"I'm Councillor Helen master dragon from Atlantis and keeper of the wisdom of our ancient codes" said Helen in some green robes.

"And I am Councillor Kulde dragon from Norway, and master of the dragon arts in this institution." said the guy in bleu robes.

You probably already know who was involved in the accident; we all sat down in silence with a laughing face except G. The council discussed with G about Henry's problems when he uses his powers such as burning the car of a bully at school, not keeping secret the existence magical powers when wrestling with 6.4 bodybuilders against a 15 year-old kid, and not obeying his masters, G's training routine. Henry gave a lot of crapy excuses that made him look like an idiot, I in the other hand had technically no business being there, but then the council called upon us all.

"Lu Chai your student's behaviour is unacceptable, he will require passing our tests to see if he is worthy of having his powers" Said Councillor Kulde.

"I understand, and what will be happening to David a new recruit that I encountered." Said G

"He'll also be performing the tests but first I entrust you to train him perfectly like you have trained thousands of dragons. David, come to my office we have a lot to talk about." Said Councillor Zekeye

G took Henry with a worried face out of the court room and I went to the room were Councillor Maulrau was waiting. I sat down on an extremely comfy couch sort of a water couch it was pretty cool, he offered me hot coco, cookies, and everything, I expected to be a rude and serious guy, I was completely wrong.

"How are you doing David?"

"Good thanks, a little confused but still alive."

"Excellent you probably already know my name; I'm in charge of this institution and I would like to answer all of your questions and after the answer part I will give a small tour around the place telling you a brief story of our existence."

"Ok could you explain to me why I am here?"

"Yes of course, since the 14th century dragons have been living with humans secretly, we do not show our secret with the world because the last time we tried it, in Ireland on 1845 more than 1000 dragons died by human hand. For the last couple of centuries we have remained hidden from the world up to the point of becoming myths or legends, if the world doesn't see something for years it is forgotten or considered false, that happens a lot especially with religions, but that doesn't mean that they're still not there.

 Dragons have no known origin in my opinion, but there located all over the world from the smallest island to the largest country. My great grandfather and with a couple a friends built the mighty temple as a refuge for the worlds dragons, but today its known as an institution or you might say a school. This is where you come in, you will be having your regular school here with a couple of other subject considering your gift, but most importantly you will be mastering you're dragon skills so you could pass your tests. Are your parents dragons also?"

"No sir"

"Then how did you get your powers?"

"They just came to me one day"

"I'll be trying to find the cause, but for the mean time say hi to your new friends and if you have any question come to my office."

He took me to a large interesting silver building that said dormitories. When we entered it was fool of people, dragons flying everywhere, but when they saw the Councillor they all settled down. He introduced me to all the people, that was embarrassing, probably everyone knew my name already when Henry made his little first impression to the council. 

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