Chapter 11 (The hard Truth)

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In the dark room I waited in silence for someone to come in, and a while a man in fancy clothes entered and stood still looking at me. He then took off a strange looking jacket and sat down on a small chair in front of me.

"All my life I knew you creatures were real, I've encountered some of you in my past years as a scientist but failed to catch even one of you. But now you, my key to the future will change my life for ever with fortune and fame. Of course I can't lose you like the past one that I even saw it inside a cage ready to go. But in the end why am I even talking to you, if you can't understand a word I'm saying, it's pointless." Said the man in the chair

"I don't know if you're an ignorant but I do understand." I answered

"What did you just say?"

"I said that..."

"This is stupendous, a brand new discovery by me, talk talk tell me more."

"Well first of all it was I who rescued the other dragon, and yea life is peachy."

"That means Cyrus has lost his price that fool will beg before my glory after I show you to the world."

"Did you hear what I said earlier, that I freed the other dragon." I said breaking the chains

"Settle down."

"Where's the way out."

He backed away and shot me three times with a gun he had in his pocket. The wounds healed quickly, that's one of the advantages of being a Qiu Lung, they have healing powers. I broke through the cell's door and went down the buildings corridors. When I saw a window I jumped out as quickly as I could breaking the glass. In the air I felt that my wings didn't work since the sleeping dart's effect hadn't worn off. I hit the ground after a 67 floor fall, I could barely stand up since I really messed up one of my legs real good up to the point of misplacing my ankle 180 degrees were it should be. It was late at night no one was in the streets so I went into the first cab I saw.

"He man were to" Said the cab driver without looking behind

"Twelfth Avenue if you please." I said

The cab went on for a couple of minutes, on the way me and driver had a risky conversation.

"Pulling on some pounds huh?" Said the driver

"Nah., just the old me" I answered

"I'm going to charge you double, your weight is forcing my car to much, sorry."

"No prob."

When we arrived home I snuck some money form a bag that got stuck to me on the way out of the building and payed the man. I went to the back door and inside I saw Henry standing next to it. I opened the door and snatched Henry out to talk, he didn't react so well. He transformed and starting beating me up, but then I pushed him away making a lot of noise.

"Henry stop." I said whispering

"It's you, you're alive." Said Henry

"No really."

"Sorry I punched you."

"It' ok, we need to talk."

Then suddenly mom comes out the back door and sees us both in the yard. She swung the door shut and went inside.

"She'll be okay" Said Henry

"After seeing to giant lizards randomly talking in the yard, I don't think so. But what's really urgent is that I can't change back." I said

"I'll go get G" Answered Henry ripping the door off changing into human entering the house.

After a while G came. "What has happened young one'' Said G

"I can't change back."

"Your mother told us that there was an explosion in the bank and that you covered her during the event. When you're a dragon you've got 2 lives and two bodies, if you die in one you still got the other or the contrary"

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that you've lost your human form and your stuck as a dragon for ever."

"That means my human form is dead and I'm stuck like this."

"Not entirely" G said taking out a small spell book that after reading one returned me to human form. "It's temporary it may were of at any time, but you really should be focusing on telling your mother the truth"

I went inside the house with G and Henry following me, Kiah said that Mom went upstairs to her room. I up and entered into her room, when she saw me she grabbed me and took me to her bed with a terrified face.

"Don't get out of my room, I won't lose you again." Said Mom

"What happened" I said

"After the explosion I woke up I couldn't find you nor your body, you left me alone, and now beasts are surrounding the house."

"Thank you for being concerned about me, I mean it. Now about the beast thing we need to talk."

I explained everything from the start, form the moment I drank something weird to what happened in the building. She didn't took it very well, she told me to let her take everything in alone in her room. I went out and sat with the rest in the living room.

"So how did it go?" Said Vanessa

"No so good at all" I answered, that was possibly the worst day in my entire life up till today.

"Don't worry D you can still crash at my place if you want."

"No, it's not that easy anymore."

We all stood there in silence for a while, suddenly we hear a loud noise outside, we opened the door and it was the dragon council. They came in without saying anything until the stood still watching me with eyes of disappointment.

"Uruguayan dragon, you have made a capital violation to the dragon order by showing your identity to a human" Said Councillor Zekeye.

"By this act your powers will be taken away and we'll keep them in the temple until the end of your days." Said Councillor Kuld

"It is a mayor vote of the council Helen you must agree." Said Councillor Zekeye

The put their hands together pointing at me and made a bright light that pointed at my chest. After the light and an odd noise I felt normal and they all looked surprised except Helen

"The boy has lost his human form in a explosion and he is wearing a spell to make him look human, we can't take away his powers" Said Helen

"Very well then, David may not use them ever again, it is finished, obey and your life will be spared." Said Councillor Kuld

They all flew away including Helen making me feel as the worst son in the world.  

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