Chapter 12(Fumigating the streets)

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The next day I woke up and went downstairs to make my own breakfast. My mom left very late last night, she went to live with my brother that bought a new house while I was gone. My sister got a scholarship to study in France, which left me alone in the house. I went to the Livingroom and I saw all of my pips waiting for me.

"We're here for you, always." Said Vanessa

"Yea thanks." I said in a low voice

"You can come with us if you wish." Said G

"Nah, I'm staying, my life is already done for. I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm going to find every one of those hunters and eradicate every single one of them except Cyrus that needs some questioning. After them I'll go do the same to anyone who poses a threat to our existence."


"Do you agree or are you just going to stop me like the others"

"No, I hear your idea and I agree. Henry and I will go with you while you, while Kiah will stay with Vanessa"

"Stay in my basement."

"Yes that works. Let's go then young dragons"

Kiah and Vanessa went into the basement while we three went flying to Cyrus' ship. The place was filled with soldiers and war machines. We were about to attack, but suddenly a huge black shadow of fire came in and wiped off almost all the fire power of the soldiers. The Lacemaker had arrived; Cyrus stood still and waited for something to happen.

"Well aren't you going to say hi?" Said the Lacemaker

"I have no relationship with you only if you bring me something of interest." Said Cyrus

"I've actually came here to make a deal with you. Bring me the Qiu Lung and I'll bring you your prise."

"That's not possible."

Then out of nowhere came a floating cage with Vanessa inside, which put me in rage. I bursted out of my hiding place and went directly to Cyrus, but hundreds of traps fired and captured me. The Lacemaker came closer to me and observed me for a while.

"Guess our deal is over, you can go now." Said Cyrus

"Yes indeed it is, but it's never for me." Said the Lacemaker

She grabbed Cyrus hit him against the floor a couple of times, and then threw him into a corner and fired at him her dark fire for some time. In that time Henry and G freed Vanessa and shouted me to escape. I did so, but before I could fly away the lace maker grabbed me and threw me even deeper into the ship. She blaster her fire at me but I dodged most of the attacks, then I counter attacked and injured her pretty much. She then grabbed me and threw me against the floor since she was five times larger than me.

"You want to know why your family left you that easy, it's because you never were of their blood." Said the Lacemaker

"The only thing I know is that your rain ends here." I said escaping

"It's because I killed them before you even knew them." I then turned around and decided to chase her. "Follow follows because the truth is hard to swallow. You parents helped the dragons by giving them deadly poisons to kill wyverns; I then decided to rip them apart as I will do to you." She said spinning around grabbing me with her feet claws against a wall. "Now with your blood inside of me I shall heal and live for ever." She was about to bite my neck to extract blood, but before she could I bit hers and then fired at her, slashed her with my claws, thew her against the walls with rage. After a while she fell to the ground and looked at me with eyes of injustice.

"I am the last of my kind, you could at least understand that." She said

"I do, as I am the last my family!" I said penetrating my metal claws in her chest.

I left the ship and went to the docks where I saw Henry, Lu, Vanessa, and the council

"Uruguayan dragon your freedom is no longer granted for the murder of o wanted rogue wyvern." Said councillor Kuld with a small smile in his face

"I'm sorry David but your actions don't go with your powers. He who walks with aggression, walks without dignity." Said G

Some dragon guards landed and went running towards me to capture me, I with instinct grabbed Vanessa and I put my claws in her neck. The guards backed away, I cut a little her wing and threw her kind of soft to the guards. I flew away as fast as I could to walk away from everything that happened. I flew in to the clouds disappearing from the dragon order.  

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